
Monday, February 23, 2015


Check this out:

Devastating, huh?

Well, it might be if we could actually watch it ourselves.

But it looks like only one newspaper has been given access to this video: News Corp Australia.

But who owns and runs News Corp Australia? THE MURDOCHS!

In other words Bilderberg.

Why was this alleged video allegedly shown only to an Australian media organisation owned and run by Bilderberg's very own Murdoch family?

And just to indicate what is going on here, the article contains a photograph of two men in uniform sitting on some wreckage of some kind with the top piece with Malaysia in big letters and airlines in smaller letters visible between the two men and the letters MH visible at the far right of the photograph. So when and where was this photo taken? We are not told, only that the source of the photo was Twitter, so it could be and probably is 100% fake.

If this video exists and is so devastating then why is it not being shown in public? Instead, like the data the USA says it has, we get a second hand interpretation of the primary evidence rather than the primary evidence itself. So:
1. the USA says it has data from 'sensors' proving that MH17 was shot down by separatists and does not release it but instead produces an image of an arc and a straight line intercepting;
2. now Bilderberg Murdoch's News Corp Australia has allegedly been shown devastating video which would prove the separatists shot down MH17, but we can't see that either and are only told of its alleged contents, and curiously it is not being shown to the victims families either.

I'll believe this video when I see it.

Until then I'll believe the many eyewitnesses who state on camera that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it was shot down, particularly as the Ukraine Air Force is being suspiciously coy about their activities on 17th July 2014, and their activities and the locations of Ukraine's BUKs are being ignored by NATO media and their gimps.

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