
Sunday, February 08, 2015


Just to make sure that we are not all going mad, here are the recordings of phone intercepts and the transcripts of those recordings that were released just a few hours after MH17 came down. They were apparently recorded by and released by the Ukraine Security Service. The Kiev Nazis swore that these recordings proved 100% beyond doubt that MH17 was shot down by Cossacks at Chernukino.

I am republishing these because I still cannot believe that after all this time the USA has not released the data from 'sensors' that it says it has that it says shows that a missile fired from the Shnizhne area brought down MH17. Instead the USA published an image of an arc and a straight line intersecting over the area north of Torez.

Ukrainian authorities have released what they say are intercepted phone conversations between pro-Russian separatists and what appear to be Russian military officers saying that separatists shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

The Ukrainian Security Service put the Russian-language conversations on Youtube within hours of the crash.

The veracity of the recordings cannot be confirmed.

First Recording

[Male voice, identified as separatist leader Igor Bezler] The group of the Miner [an alias] has just shot down a plane, which came down just behind Yenakiyevo.

[Col Geranin] Pilots. Where are the pilots?

[Bezler] Gone to search for and photograph the plane. It's smoking.

[Second male voice, identified as Russian military intelligence Colonel Vasily Geranin] How many minutes ago?

[Bezler] About 30 minutes ago

Second Recording

[Male voice, captioned as "The Greek" ] Yes, Major.

[Major] Well, the Chernukhino lads shot down the plane.

[Greek] Who shot it down?

[Major] From the Chernukhino roadblock. The Cossacks at Chernukhino.

[Greek] Yes, Major.

[Major] Well, the plane fell apart in the air, near the Pertropavlovskaya coal mine. The first casualty 200 [military jargon for dead body] has been found. A civilian.

[Greek] Well, what do you have there?

[Major] Basically it was 100% a civilian aircraft.

[Greek] Are many people there?

[Major] [Curses] The debris fell right into backyard.

[Greek] What kind of aircraft?

[Major] I have not figured this out yet because I haven't been close to the main body of the debris. I am only looking where the first bodies began to fall. There are the remnants of inner brackets, chairs and bodies there.

[Greek] I see. Any weaponry there?

[Major] Nothing at all. Civilian things, medical bits and bobs, towels, toilet paper.

[Greek] Any documents?

[Major] Yes. From an Indonesian student. From Thompson University [curses].

Third Recording

[Male voice, identified as a fighter] Regarding the plane shot down in the area of Snezhnoye-Torez. It's a civilian one. Fell down near Grabovo. There are lots of corpses of women and children. The Cossacks are out there looking at all this.

They say on TV it's a Ukrainian AN-26 transport plane, but they say it's got Malaysia Airlines written on the plane. What was it doing in Ukrainian territory?

[Male voice, identified as Cossack commander Nikolai Kozitsyn] That means they were carrying spies. They shouldn't be [curses] flying. There is a war going on.

[source : MH17 crash: Ukraine releases alleged intercepts, BBC,, 18th July 2014]

It is these recordings and transcripts that led to a huge wave of sanctions against Russia from late July 2014 onwards.

Yet the USA released an image implying that Shnizhne not Chernukino was the origin of a missile.

So we slap loads of sanctions on Russia that threaten our own economy based on these tapes and an image that a schooolkid could knock up in a minute, both of which blatantly contradict each other.

Make sense?

Well, so far nobody has proved that MH17 was shot down by a BUK. Claims that MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile have been made due to a video of a BUK system filmed allegedly at dawn on 18th July in Luhansk by someone connected to the Ukraine Security Service. The BUK in that video had only 3 missiles not the usual 4, thus implying that that BUK was the one that brought down MH17.

And yes, that's the same Ukraine Security Service who released those tapes which are contradicted by that devastatingly persuasive image released by the USA.

However, there are several witnesses who have gone on camera to state that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it crashed. But for some strange reason, and I can't think why, the Ukraine Air Force refuses to open up their log books of military flights for 17th July.

But if it turns out that MH17 was indeed shot down by a BUK then maybe the allegations in this video should be examined, that the Ukraine military was in the area with BUKs, which Russia claims was the case.

Ukraine's BUKs and Ukraine's air force are being completely ignored by most if not all NATO media and their willing servants and wannabes.

And yes, that's the same Ukraine who is running the investigation into MH17 with founding member of NATO the Netherlands.

And yes, that's the same NATO which has wanted Ukraine in NATO for decades so NATO can plonk first strike nuclear missiles aimed at Moscow on Russia's doorstep, thus bringing a cataclysmic WW3 one step closer.

Sleep tight.

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