
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


There doesn't seem to be that many cheers from the anti-austerity side for the deal reached between Greece and the Eurogroup.

The Greek Solidarity Campaign has only referenced an article that buying time is not surrender, but no wild, ecstatic cheers.

But it's all gone quiet over there. Varoufakis' plan was vague in some areas but not so vague in others. Still, the Eurogroup accepted the plan very quickly.

And here is what WSWS thinks:
Varoufakis’ paper comes as no surprise to those who have followed the politics of Syriza. It originates from a man and a government that from the beginning saw their task as saving the EU and European capitalism. Like its predecessors, the Syriza government has submitted to the dictates of the EU and the financial markets, who even after five years of brutal austerity, demand ever more sacrifices from the Greek population.

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