
Friday, February 27, 2015


Given that:
1. in 2009 the British asked former French foreign minister to organise the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria;
2. Jihadi John was a known Jihadi and was harassed into becoming a spy for MI5 (leading to an allegation of attempted strangling!).

why was Jihadi John allowed to go to Syria as the war against the Syrian Arab Army was at its maximum?

I shall answer for them.

Jihadi John was allowed to go to Syria because it is current British foreign policy to oust President Bashar al Assad through the use of a proxy force of international cutthroat Jihadis. Those Jihadis require a bit of Jihadi lurve which is why those 3 schoolgirls were allowed to go to Syria despite one of them being in open contact with a known Islamic State wife. This is also why Michael Adebalajo was allowed to preach Jihad against Assad despite being a known Jihadi AND a known drug dealer.

This plan to oust Assad by the use of international cutthroat Jihadis was hatched in 2007 and was reported by Seymour Hersh in an article he wrote entitled The Redirection.

And this plan was hatched because the original plan for war and regime change in seven nations in five years revealed to General Wesley Clark was by 2007 moribund. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, with Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

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