
Thursday, March 12, 2015


Love him or loathe him: Jeremy Clarkson is and can be very controversial. So controversial that he can divide the nation and set the nation talking about him.

So is Clarkson just the perfect public figure to distract from the possibility that there is a massive Freemasonic cover up over the Hillsborough Disaster?


Well why has the recent Clarkson bust-up been blown out of all proportion?

Yesterday the Hillsborough Inquiry heard former chief superintendent David Duckenfield state, to gasps of the gallery, the circumstances of the deaths of 96 supporters of Liverpool FC.

Duckenfield confessed to lying about what really happened: he was inexperienced; and he issued the order to open the gates that led to the surge that crushed many to death.

But what is more important is that Duckenfield is a suspected Grandmaster of the Dore Lodge in Sheffield.
Senior South Yorkshire police officers who were freemasons orchestrated a “masonic conspiracy” to shift the blame after the Hillsborough disaster in 1989, the inquests into the deaths of the 96 victims have been told.

Maxwell Groome, a constable at the time, said that after the disaster at the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday’s football ground, “the word” inside the force was that freemason officers held a meeting to blame superintendent Roger Marshall.

Groome said he heard that the meeting took place in portable cabins at South Yorkshire police’s area office, and was attended by Chief superintendent David Duckenfield, who had commanded the match.

Questioned by Michael Mansfield QC, representing 75 families whose relatives were killed at Hillsborough, Groome said he believed Duckenfield was “a grandmaster of a particularly influential lodge” – the Dore lodge in Sheffield.

[source : Masons colluded, Hillsborough court told, The Guardian,, 17th December 2014]

We all know the police and the juidiciary are infested with Freemasons. It is the power structure that keeps us in our places. They protect their own. It is a mafia run by the monarchy. They organised World War 1 and shot Arch Duke Ferdinand as a false flag to provoke the war.

Why has it taken so long to establish the inquiry?

Why has the establishment fought tooth and nail to blame Liverpool fans? Or even Roger Marshall, as suggested above?

A suspected freemason fucked up big time on 15th April 1989. He had to be protected, for the brotherhood, and for the power structure.

But who cares when Jeremy Clarkson is off to the job centre?

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