
Monday, April 06, 2015


A "critical and dangerous situation".

That is how the Ukraine Foreign Minister in July 2014 described to a Dutch diplomat the situation in East Ukraine.

As I have pointed out several times, on 14th July a Ukraine Air Force Antonov An 26 was shot out of the sky as it approached Luhansk Airport on 14th July. The separatists claimed they shot it down with a BUK. At that time the Ukraine Armed Forces on the ground were trying to create a corridor south of Luhansk to Luhansk Airport to relieve UAF trapped there. Ukraine told the Dutch government just how dangerous the situation was.
The Dutch government knew three days before the crash of the MH17 that a cargo plane of the Ukrainian army at high altitude in the sky was shot with Russian military equipment. This is evident from the report of a Dutch diplomat who was on July 14, 2014 at a briefing of the Ukrainian government on the security situation in the country.

The report of the diplomat is in possession of the radio program Argos that the afternoon has been made public. The government refused until now to reveal the report, despite repeated requests from the House to do so.

...To the report of the briefing in Kiev was rather a lot to do because many parties in the House wondered if the [Dutch] government following the briefing did not have to take more action. The diplomat was told by Ukrainian Foreign Minister that there was a "critical and dangerous situation" in eastern Ukraine arise. The tearing down of the cargo plane with a missile called the minister "the latest example" thereof.

Following the briefing, the Dutch government increased the minimum flight altitude above Ukraine to 9.7 kilometers. In the Chamber sounded after the disaster MH17, where 298 people were killed, whether the government should not have forbid airlines to fly over eastern Ukraine.

[source : Google translation of: ‘Regering wist dat Antonov werd neergeschoten met Russische raket’, NRC,, 4th April 2015]

So, let us assume for a moment that the separatists did shoot MH17 with a BUK. My question is: if on 17th July 2014
1. the Kiev Nazis knew the separatists had a BUK because one had been used to shoot down an Antonov An 26 on 14th July;
2. the Dutch had been told the situation over East Ukraine was "critical and dangerous";
3. the Kiev Nazi Air Force was flying fighter jets close to MH17, as stated on camera by at least 7 eyewitnesses;

then who would be guilty?

Is this situation very similar to knowing that a mad axe murderer is rampaging through the streets with a very sharp axe and not telling anyone? And then using any resulting murder to your benefit?

Why did Ukraine not shut down their airspace completely? The airspace over Crimea had been shut down.

Why did Ukraine fly fighter jets close to MH17?

Atlantic Council Boy is 'spinning' this revelation about the Dutch government being told that the equivalent of a mad axe murderer was rampaging through the streets of Amsterdam with a very sharp axe:

Is this why there are allegations that the Dutch government wasn't interested in getting to the bottom of the mystery? (see DUTCH INTELLIGENCE IS OBSTRUCTING MH17 INVESTIGATION).

Why have the Dutch kept this secret for so long?

I have already raised my suspicion that of all the flights that flew over East Ukraine, the one civilian plane that was shot down just happened to lead to The Netherlands being in charge of the investigation, when The Netherlands was one of the initial five founders of NATO, NATO wants Ukraine as a member and the putschists in Ukraine want Ukraine to join NATO.

This evidence, which is being spun by Atlantic Council Boy, supports the theory that someone in NATO wanted MH17 shot down to lead to an investigation that NATO would control and thus lead to the conclusion that Russia shot down MH17.

And to add to the mystery, here is an interesting theory as to why the Kiev Nazis were flying fighter jets close to MH17, as stated on camera by at least 7 eyewitnesses. In June 2014, a month before MH17 came down, NATO ran electronic warfare exercises involving spoofing radar systems into thinking a civilian passenger plane, such as MH17, was actually a military plane. Apparently the exercises were successful, and caused a great deal of trouble to civilian air traffic control at the time.

But be warned. This theory is from Adam Curry. Curry's uncle Donald Gregg was big in the CIA and in implementing US foreign policy.

And on 17th July, NATO was running the electronic warfare exercise BREEZE 2014 in the Black Sea, not that far from Shnizhne. And recall that during this time, the Ukraine military radar systems showed increased activity.

But let's not forget: no guilt has been decided or proved yet. There are a wide range of theories on MH17, supported by evidence. To just blindly focus on one theory which leads to sanctions on and friction with a nation with a massive nuclear arsenal is dangerous.

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