
Saturday, April 11, 2015


In Belling Cat's report MH17 : Source of the Separatists' BUK there is a whole chapter dedicated to identifying the BUK that was allegedly seen being transported through separatist-controlled territory on 17th July 2014. That BUK was labeled BUK 3X2 because it looks like the numbers were clumsily painted over and just the middle number is unreadable.

On 5th January this year Belling Cat issued a report that 312 was in the hands of Ukraine Armed Forces.

A report out today by Oliver Fehr entitled About the Buk 312 who allegedly shot down MH17 shows "BUKs 321, 332 and 312, being transported [west] away from Donetsk city area by UAF on March 19, 2014." There were reports that on 29th June the separatists had taken control of the A-1402 regiment's barracks in Donetsk along with their BUKs, but Ukraine said they had withdrawn all BUKs from there by then.

However, this all suggests that BUKs 332 and 312 were in the hands of the UAF.

That leaves BUKs 322 and 302.

So what of BUK 322?

Here is what Soros-funded Aric Toler of Belling Cat tweeted on 5th February 2015.

Which leaves BUK 302, if it exists.

But in another Belling Cat report Geolocating the MH17 Buk Convoy in Russia a commenter called Alex Livesy states that BUK's 312 and...BUK 302 are owned by Ukraine!!! BUK 312 is confirmed by Belling Cat and Fehr.

So is BUK 302 owned by Ukraine?

The video in the Fehr report shows that BUKs 332 and 312 are Ukraine. Toler says BUK 322 is not the BUK. And now BUK 302 is Ukraine too?

So where does that leave Belling Cat?

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