
Monday, April 27, 2015


I saw a brief report on the situation on Yemen on RT this morning. Al Qaeda controls a large part, almost a half, of Yemen, and the area they control has a long border with Saudi Arabia.

Has Saudi Arabia been bombing that area? Not as far as we know, but the USA has been droning it, thus driving many in that area into joining al Qaeda and other radical Islamic organisations.

But when the enemies of Islamic State in Syria, the Houthis, begin to challenge for power in Yemen, Saudi Arabia rushes to bomb the shit out of them, killing hundreds of children, without any condemnation whatsoever from the USA.

Contrast that with what has been going on in Syria for 4 years.

And now Islamic State is on the case, on a quest for Houthi blood.

It's such a bleedin' obvious pattern, and supports the report of Seymour Hersh entitled The Redirection which was published in March 2007 and predicted that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. The Houthis are fighting along side the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah in Syria against the Saudi-sponsored, American-trained-and-supported international cutthroat Jihadis in Syria.

And why hasn't Obama released those > 28 pages < on Saudi involvement in 9/11? Another > fact < is this:
7. NATO intelligence services created and control the extreme Islamic terrorists;

But you try telling all this to a teacher!! All they'll want to do is talk about something else and then ostracise you...

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