
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Yesterday was quite a significant day for news to show just how insanely paranoid NATO is.

Islamic State recently threatened to burn the USA like 9/11.
The ISIL terrorist group has threatened to “burn the United States again" by conducting terrorist attacks against the country similar to the September, 11, 2001 attacks in New York City and the Washington, DC.

The Takfiri terrorist organization released a propaganda video on Saturday via the Internet titled “We Will Burn America”, warning that Americans are not safe anywhere in the world.

“America thinks it’s safe because of the geographical location,” a voice-over in the video says. “But the dream of Americans to have safety became a mirage.”

"Today there is no safety for any American on the globe," the voice adds, while showing footage of planes crashing into the World Trade Center in New York City as well as acts of savagery by the group in Iraq and Syria.

[source : ISIL threatens to ‘burn America’ like 9/11, Press TV,, 13th April 2015]

You remember 9/11 don't you? When, after flying unimpeded around the American skies for nearly 2 hours, some planes flew into the WTC 1 and WTC 2 and even The Pentagon? And after that the USA went to war on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and covertly Syria?

Well, what would any normal sane government do if they received threats to repeat 9/11 against them? You would expect such a government to slap anyone making such a threat on the list of international terrorists.

But are Islamic State different from Al Qaeda? There are arguments that Islamic State did grow out of al Qaeda in Iraq. But not so long ago al Qaeda distanced itself from Islamic State saying that IS was too brutal even for them.

One year ago, al-Qaeda formally announced its separation from the Iraq and Syria affiliate, deeming the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) too radical for its standards. From there, the Islamist militant group stood alone.

It's shocking to think that in just one year, the Islamic State has caused such upheaval — sending videos of beheadings, massacring thousands of people, actions so brutal that international forces launched an offensive against the militant group.

[source : The Islamic State was dumped by al-Qaeda a year ago. Look where it is now., Washington Post,, 3rd February 2015]

So if al Qaeda and Islamic State are separate entities now then should Islamic State be placed on the list of terrorists as a separate entity?

Russia and Syria think so, but the USA, UK, France and Jordan think not, instead arguing that IS still remains as part of al Qaeda even though the spider in my bathroom knows they are separate and IS has threatened to do another 9/11 against the USA.
Russia says the United States, Britain, France, and Jordan have rejected Syria’s proposal to add ISIL to the United Nations Security Council’s sanctions list as a separate terrorist group.

"In the UN Security Council's Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, the United States, Britain, France, and Jordan have blocked Syria’s request supported by Russia to include the Islamic State (ISIL) terrorist group in the sanctions list as a separate group," read the statement issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday.

According to reports, ISIL Takfiri terrorist group is currently mentioned as al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) in the UN’s sanctions list.

Moscow, however, said such naming fails to “reflect the true state of affairs” in Syria and Iraq, adding that the terrorist group did not evolve as a branch of al-Qaeda, but was funded and supported by the US and its allies.

"This position has an obvious political motivation - to disclaim responsibility for the growing scale of Islamic State's (ISIL) activities and prove that it is not a new entity that has been brought into existence by the implementation of plans to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but the former al-Qaida in Iraq,” the statement added.

The four countries’ decision shows that “the anti-Assad coalition bears no moral or political responsibility” for the creation of ISIL, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Moscow also lashed out at Washington for the emergence of extremist groups in Iraq.

"It won't hurt to mention that AQI owes its emergence to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003," the statement added.
[source : US, Britain, France, Jordan refuse to name ISIL as separate terror group, Press TV,, 10th April 2015]

So if Islamic State were dumped by al Qaeda and are now a separate entity then why are we not recognising this?

And remember that incident last October when Sweden was hunting a submarine in the channels near Stockholm? The NATO media were repeating that the alleged submarine was Russian. But guess what: it was just a "workboat".
The unknown foreign vessel the Swedish Navy searched for near Stockholm last autumn was actually a “workboat,” a senior navy official says. Local media had alleged a hunt was on to try and find a Russian submarine, which was believed to be in the area.

Swedish Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad told the Swedish TT news agency on Saturday that what was thought to be a vessel or a foreign submarine was actually just a “workboat.”

The Swedish Navy changed the wording from “probable submarine” to “non-submarine” when referring to the reconnaissance mission connected to the unidentified vessel spotted in the Stockholm archipelago.

The massive hunt was used by the Swedish Defense Ministry to justify a six billion kronor ($696 million) hike in defense spending between 2016 and 2020.

[source : Sweden confirms mystery ‘Russian sub’…was in fact a workboat, RT,, 14th April 2015]

But that didn't stop The Guardian at the time pushing for Sweden to join NATO!
There is an element of farce about the latest submarine hunt in the Stockholm archipelago. A Russian miniature submarine is being pursued by the miniature Swedish navy: 20 years of steady bipartisan cuts to Sweden’s defence budget mean that there is no longer a single helicopter equipped for anti-submarine warfare, and many of the boats involved in the hunt are inflatable.

...Embarrassment lies in store whether this intelligence operation finds anything or not. The only question is who will be most embarrassed. The Russians cannot have meant this particular incursion as a signal, since it was meant to stay secret. If the Swedes succeed in finding and rescuing the submarine, the Russians will look like blundering bullies. If, on the other hand, the Swedes fail, it will be more difficult even for them to believe that their armed forces play any great part in ensuring the security of their country. In the long run, the logic of Sweden’s geostrategic position makes Nato membership almost inevitable. This incursion, coming so soon after the invasion of the Crimea and Ukraine, should help to make the point clear.

[source : The Guardian view on Sweden’s defences: is Nato inevitable?, The Guardian Editorial,, 20th October 2014]

Throughout that editorial the assumption was that the phantom vessel was indeed a Russian submarine. But it was just a "workboat".

Talk about propaganda!!

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