
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


In response to Robert Parry's allegation that the 'documentary' presented by pro-British Army reporter Michael Usher contained fakery, Belling Cat have directed Parry to the an article they produced on 22nd July 2014 which they claim establishes that the BUK with a missing missile was in Luhansk on the morning of 18th July 2014.

OK. If it was in Luhansk then where, in what direction was it travelling, and how did it get there?

The particular suburb of Luhansk the video was filmed was about 2.5Km south west of Luhansk city centre. Belling Cat published this image showing where the video was filmed (see little yellow camera).

So let's zoom out a bit so we can get this location in to some perspective.

The junction is that heart shape in the middle of the above image.

But let's zoom out a bit more.

The junction is now in the bottom left hand corner, and the city centre of Luhansk is in the top right hand corner.

Two things to note:
1. the 'official' Ukraine narrative is that the BUK was on its way to the border with Russia when it was filmed. But the main hypothesis is that the BUK that shot down MH17 was located 5Km south of Shnizhne, which is south of Luhansk. So how did it get from south of Shnizhne to south west Luhansk;
2. the BUK is travelling south east on that road, not north east.

So we can ask the following questions: why is the BUK that allegedly shot down MH17 from 5Km south of Shnizhne travelling south east in a western suburb of Luhansk, which is north of Shnizhne, at about 5am on the morning of 18th July if, according to the official Ukraine government narrative, it is either on its way to the border with Russia north east of Luhansk, or according to Naida was in Russia itself by 4am?

This evidence actually supports the hypothesis proposed by the SBU that that BUK came from Chernukino.

But where it was going is a mystery.

I'm not being funny or awkward, but if there is going to be some kind of war between NATO and Russia over Ukraine then we had all better know that we are going to war for a proper reason and not some trumped up hypothesis with more holes than a collander.

And explaining why a BUK that had allegedly just shot down MH17 would be in a south-western suburb of Luhansk travelling south east if it was, according to the SBU, supposed to be either travelling to the border with Russia north east of Luhansk, or according to Naida in Russia itself by the time the video was filmed, would be a good start!

The fact is that this video came from the SBU.

Why Belling Cat should believe the SBU is beyond me because they believe that MH17 was shot down from 5Km south of Shnizhne yet the SBU cobbled together a tape of alleged intercepted phone calls and said it proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks based at Chernukino shot down MH17. The location and direction of travel of the BUK with missing missile actually supports the SBU's claim. Chernukino is 60Km south west of Luhansk, and is located at the pinhead in this image.

It is possible that the BUK travelled from Shnizhne to Debaltsevo and then to Luhansk.

But we still have no idea for certain when that video was filmed. For all we know it could have been filmed before 18th July and be the BUK that shot down the Antonov An26 on 14th July?

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