
Friday, May 08, 2015


Oh fucking hell!!

I knew the Tories would become the majority but not to this degree.

But how did I know this would sort of happen?

Rupert Murdoch:
1. pushed/endorsed Nigel Farage and UKIP, which split the Labour vote;
2. got his media to scare the shit out of the British electorate with fears of a Labour-SNP coalition.

Murdoch also owns Storyful.

Miliband is probably a nice chap with his heart nearly in the right place, but he was never PM material. He didn't look right, or sound right, and his policies were not right either. On the other hand, Cameron has royal blood, his ancestors ran the banking system running opium, and his wife is more establishment than him.

Labour have only themselves to blame for choosing the wrong leader years ago.

But for that decision we will generally all suffer, except for the establishment, but the poor, weak and vulnerable will suffer the most.

More food banks (unless the Tories outlaw them).

More homelessness (unless the Tories outlaw that either).

More zero hours contracts (the Tories will never outlaw them).

More wars (the Tories will never outlaw them).

This is a dark day for a Disunited Fascist Queendom that over the next 5 years will become more Disunited (unequal) and more fascist.

The answer is simple:
1. tax the City of London;
2. bring money creation under public control.

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