
Sunday, May 17, 2015


Just to make sure we all understand the situation in Ukraine:
1. in 2004 Soros and Berezovsky ran a colour revolution in Ukraine to try to drag Ukraine into NATO;
2. under a pro-NATO government in Ukraine, in April 2008 NATO and Ukraine both agreed that Ukraine would at some point become a member of NATO;
3. but pro-Russia Yanukovich gained power in 2010;
4. and he decided against a huge deal with the EU and IMF in favour of a deal with Russia;
5. so at first peaceful protests began in Maidan, but these turned violent after neo-Nazis began to shoot protestors and police from The Conservatory to provoke outrage;
6. that led to the neo-Nazis chasing Yanukovich out of office, who fled his burning office to Russia;
7. the man who became leader of the new Ukraine junta was a recipient of NATO funds, and was hand-picked by the USA, and many senior members of the junta holding powerful positions were extreme neo-Nazis;
8. understanding this blatant NATO neo-Nazi coup the East of Ukraine rebelled;
9. pro-Kiev neo-Nazis burned 50 anti-Kiev protestors alive;
10. the NATO media and their gimps have either ignored this Nazi heritage of the junta or beatified the neo-Nazis describing them as romantic revolutionaries;
11. the rebellion has led to a war in which 7000 civilians, the vast majority in East Ukraine, being killed, most from bombing from the Ukraine Air Force or shelled by the Ukraine Armed Forces artillery, and serious humanitarian crisis;
12. that war led to MH17 being shot down, when many airlines were avoiding flying over Ukraine because of the risk;
13. and with the junta now firmly installed, a senior member of the US Embassy in Kiev, who was a former manager of USAID (CIA) funds but who 'lost' those funds, becomes Minister of Finance of Ukraine and flogs Ukraine to the IMF and Monsanto;
14. and Ukraine starts to make moves to join NATO.

Coup, anyone?

What is the difference between Crimea voting to join (or being annexed by as NATO describes it) Russia to escape being governed by rabid neo-Nazis, and Ukraine voting to join (or being annexed by as NATO would describe it) NATO after NATO executed a violent neo-Nazi coup to kick out a legitimately elected but anti-NATO government and replace it with a pro-NATO government?

Can someone explain to me what the difference is?

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