
Friday, May 29, 2015


Alan Rusbridger has today left the position of Editor-in-Chief of The Guardian. If the editorials of The Guardian are anything to go by then Rusbridger was a NATO/Zionist warmonger.

Last year as Israel blew 520 impoverished, malnourished Palestinian children to bits, what did The Guardian say? FUCK ALL!!

When Nafeez Ahmed exposed the reason for that war, what did The Guardian do? He was banned from writing for The Guardian.

In 2013, after the horrific event of 21st August, what did The Guardian say? That Assad and only Assad was to blame, not questioning the possibility that rebels could have done it, not offering any reports on the rebels and chemical weapons. And when the proposal was made that Syria would give up its chemical weapons The Guardian was ecstatic, while not mentioning Israel's much more powerful and destructive arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

And when it comes to Russia, The Guardian has been at the front of queue to bash Russia, even going so far as to publish an editorial under the name of Mikhail Khordokovsky, who with Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild formed Open Russia Foundation (which is eerily similar to Yat's Open Ukraine Foundation, which has basically the same kind of backers). Khordokovsky was one of the wealthy Jewish oligarchs who financially and economically raped Russia under Yeltsin.

And why would The Guardian publish The Snowden Revelations for weeks on end while keeping shtum over Israel's barbarism and the related plan for war on seven nations in five years, the subsequent agreement to unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran, and the subsequent decision to facilitate (great word, that) the rise of Islamic State in order to isolate Assad?

That great hero of mine, Alan Partridge, once called The Guardian one of "the clever clogs papers".

Under Rusbridger The Guardian has become a cesspit of biased journalism.

Good riddance. He has shamed the original ethos on which the newspaper was founded.

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