
Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Higgins has at last revealed what his clandestine relationship with the warmongering CIA-Neocon Atlantic Council is: he has been helping them to expose Russian military involvement in Ukraine.

Ignore the fact that over the decades NATO has expanded from a small group of just 5 nations centred in Northern Europe to now have 28 members and span from Turkey to the west coast of the USA.

Ignore the fact that in 2008 NATO said that Ukraine will become a member.

Ignore the fact that in 2014 violent neo-Nazis executed a coup that has led to a civil war and 6000 deaths, most of whom have been citizens of East Ukraine opposing their Nazism.

Ignore the fact that we went to war to destroy Nazism, and that Russia paid the highest price of all in 27 million deaths at the Wall Street-supported, bloodsoaked hands of the Nazis.

Ignore the fact that Victoria Nuland admitted that the USA has spent over $5 billion in fomenting a revolution in Ukraine.

Ignore the fact that that same Victoria Nuland hand-picked Yatsenyuk as the new Prime Minister of Ukraine in a phone conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt in which Pyatt all but admitted that the coup was being run by the USA when he stated, "I think we're in play".

Ignore the fact that that same Victoria Nuland is the wife of the co-founder of The Project for a New American Century, Robert Kagan, which since 2000 has brought us the wars in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon and Syria.

Ignore the fact that Yatsenyuk runs a foundation, Open Ukraine Foundation, which receives funds from NATO.

Ignore the fact that the new Minister of Finance for Ukraine is an American who was a senior official at the US Embassy in Kiev and was also a manager of funds for USAID (CIA) who 'lost' those funds, and whose first act was to flog Ukraine to the IMF and Monsanto.

Ignore the fact that troops from the USA, UK and Canada are or will soon be in Ukraine to train Ukraine Armed Forces troops who are Nazis or Nazi sympathisers.

And ignore the fact that last weekend Russia and the UK celebrated 70 years after defeating the Nazis.

Ignore all this blatant NATO imperialism using Nazis to bring NATO to the front door of Russia in Ukraine.

I have already looked at the current management of The Atlantic Council: warmongers, CIA, Bilderberg, bankers.

But who founded The Atlantic Council?

According to the official history of The Atlantic Council, the following men were instrumental in the creation of The Atlantic Council:
Dean Acheson - Marshall Plan, created NATO;
Theodore Achilles - Bay of Pigs, created NATO, true globalist (Bilderberg, CFR), first wife divorced him on the grounds of cruelty;
Christian Herter - Freemason, married into Rockefeller's Standard Oil cabal, US rep at Versailles, founder of CFR, Marshall Plan, co-founder of Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) (home of the Neocon Wolfowitz cabal), true globalist;
William Clayton - Marshall Plan, sponsor of William L. Clayton Professorship on International Economics at SAIS.

The Atlantic Council has since grown to be run by the military-industrial-banking complex with two things in mind: Anglo-American/NATO imperialism and war.

Isn't it ironic that one of the founders of The Atlantic Council, Christian Herter, sat on the Board of Trustees of The World Peace Foundation!!

And finally, to remind us all of how NATO has expanded and expanded and expanded, and wishes to expand until it has consumed the whole globe, here are 2 images showing that expansion:

We all wonder what Higgins would do if NATO used violent neo-Nazis, who his father and grandfather fought in WW2, to kick out his next door neighbours in order to place first strike nuclear missiles on his ex-next door neighbours' front lawn aimed at his living room.

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