
Wednesday, May 06, 2015


A 'leaked' report to be submitted to the MH17 JIT has been published by Novaya Gazeta. This is strange because Novaya Gazeta is pushed in NATO-land as anti-Kremlin because NATO blames the Kremlin for killing a number of Novaya Gazeta journalists because they were allegedly telling 'the truth' about corruption in Russia.

But this is a very interesting development. This does not rule out the involvement of a fighter jet. Remember, eight eyewitnesses have gone on camera, with their faces clear to see, to state that they saw a fighter jet close to MH17 when it was shot down. Contrast that with the alleged 'eyewitnesses' of Correctiv and Der Spiegel who said they saw a missile being fired, but did not give their name or allow their faces to be photographed, and similarly for the Das Erste report a week or two ago. And then there is Pytor Fedotov who was interviewed by Reuters. Reuters reported that Fedotov told them that he saw a missile fired from territory controlled by the Kiev Nazis but off camera told them that he actually saw a missile fired from separatist controlled territory but did not want to say so because he feared for his life. RT challenged this and Fedotov told RT that he never said anything off camera about missiles. RT has asked that Reuters show them the tape of their interview of Fedotov. Reuters has so far declined. This is significant because Eliot Higgins recently had a secret meeting with The Atlantic Council which has the head of Reuters on the board (see below).

As for the Kiev Nazis saying their air force was not active on 17th July 2014, if we are to believe the many tapes they have released of alleged intercepted phone calls between separatists, the separatists claim to have shot down a Kiev Nazi fighter jet on 17th July 2014. Unless that is yet another bogus tape, along with the tape they claimed proved 100% beyond doubt that separatists at Chernukino shot down MH17.

And as for different theories, each side has several different versions:
1. from the NATO-Kiev Nazi side we have that MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile by
(a) Cossacks at Chernukino (Kiev Nazis);
(b) separatists from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne (Belling Cat, RTL and US State Dept);
(c) separatists from a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne (Correctiv, Der Spiegel);
(d) separatists from an as yet unidentified field (Das Erste).
2. from the anti-NATO-Kiev Nazi side we have that MH17 was shot down by
(a) a fighter jet;
(b) a Ukraine Armed Forces BUK at Zaroshchenske.

But who can we trust?

The eight eyewitnesses who said they saw a fighter jet could be lying, but in their favour is that they went on camera with their faces clearly visible for the whole world to see, and the BBC pulled a report which contained 3 of those witnesses stating their claim on camera.

The eyewitnesses of Correctiv/Der Spiegel could be lying, and against them is that they would not allow their faces to be filmed.

The Kiev Nazis have lied because of that tape they released blaming Cossacks at Chernukino.

Correctiv and Der Spiegel could be lying because their witnesses and report contradicts Belling Cat/RTL/US State Dept.

Belling Cat/RTL/US State Dept could be lying because they contradict Correctiv and Der Spiegel, and the US State Dept will not release their data only a schoolboy image of a few coloured lines.

Das Erste could be lying because their witnesses could not be identified and nor could the field they suggest was the launch site.

Russia has lied because of their claim about the car advert at their 21st July press conference.

But what has happened is that Belling Cat, with their reports accusing Russia, that somehow the NSA, CIA, NATO military intelligence etc. could not produce, have been used to attack Russia.

And over the last few months it has come out that Belling Cat are involved in projects, or have had clandestine meetings, with the following shady organisations:
1. Google (NSA/CIA);
3. Open Society (Soros);
4. Atlantic Council (CIA/Necon/Bilderberg/warmongers).

On the other hand, I have not. I have tried to remain neutral and not jump to conclusions, questioning everything because I am aware of the geopolitical situation and what the forces behind NATO are like (and a clue is that there is a massive kiddie-fiddling/murder scandal in the UK but not in Russia).

And in addition the whole 'official' investigation has been corrupt from the start.
1. The Netherlands is running the investigation. The Netherlands was one of the five founding members of NATO. NATO wants Ukraine as a member, and after the recent violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine, Ukraine is taking steps towards joining NATO. In other words, the investigating country is not neutral and has a massive motive in promoting one particular outcome, that Russia did it;
2. there was a secret agreement that would keep particular findings secret if one of the conspiring countries vetoed that information;
3. some Dutch families have called the investigation "completely botched" and asked that the investigation be handed over to a neutral international investigation team, a request that the Dutch PM denied;
4. some members of the MH17 JIT have complained that the Dutch intelligence services are obstructing their investigation and influencing the outcome of the investigation.

And now there is evidence that one of the investigating countries, Ukraine, could have shot down MH17 with a BUK. This does not rule out a fighter jet either being involved or at least present, possibly to be used to trick separatists into thinking MH17 was a military plane through spoofing radar, or pretending to be escorting MH17 and thus tricking separatists into thinking MH17 was a military plane that way.

Whether you believe this latest evidence or not, it is yet just another theory that needs to be questioned.

Where are the vapour trails?

Did anyone nearby see or hear the launch?

Where were Ukraine's BUKs on 17th July 2014?

What Belling Cat either refuse to see or cannot see is that there has just been a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine. The neo-Nazis have stated that they provoked the violence in Kiev by shooting both protestors and police from The Conservatory. The neo-Nazis then burned alive 50 anti-Kiev Nazi protestors in Odessa. NATO wants Ukraine as a member, and under their man Yats, Ukraine is taking steps to join NATO. And what could be more obvious than a former senior member of the US Embassy in Kiev, and a former manager of USAID (CIA) funds, becoming minister of finance whose first act was to sell Ukraine to Monsanto!!!

Why is NATO doing this?

Because NATO wants to plonk first strike nuclear missiles aimed at Moscow.

But d'ya know what? Perhaps Russia deserves it?

I mean, Russia invaded Iraq killing approaching a million over a period of 2 decades, bombed Libya and has unleashed the most barbaric international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria.


Russia definitely wants war!!

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