
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I just remembered something that Joe Biden said today at Brookings. Biden referred to Russia's state-sponsored media Russia that, according to Biden, spread Russian propaganda, and rather well, again according to Biden.

In that case, why is it that very few in NATO-land are aware of the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark for war and regime change in seven countries in five years...a plan that Clark actually reveals on Youtube!!

It is because of NATO propaganda!!

The likes of Eliot Higgins and Belling Cat could help to stop that series of wars by bringing that video to the attention of their readership. But do they?


So here we go. For all disciples of Belling Cat, why aren't the Soros/CIA/Atlantic Council boys of Belling Cat trying to stop the slaughter in North Africa and Middle East by using their position in the NATO media to bring attention to this massive, massive revelation?

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