
Sunday, May 31, 2015


I was expecting an earth-shattering report from Belling Cat today.

These claims, representing the majority of information publicly presented by the Russian government since the downing of Flight MH17, are a clear attempt by the Russian government to deceive the public, global community, and the families of the Flight MH17 victims, only days after Flight MH17 was shot down.

But substitute "Russian" with "Ukrainian" and we could also be talking about the 'truth'.

In I CAN'T WAIT I referred to the following:
I wonder if The Ukraine Security Service will make a guest appearance to discuss how:
1. they cobbled together a phony tape shortly after MH17 came down which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino;
2. they came to the conclusion that the BUK with 3 missiles was back in Russia by 2am on 18th July 2014 at the latest when a video of a BUK with 3 missiles was filmed travelling south east in a south west suburb of Luhansk at 5am;
3. so many eyewitnesses claim to have seen a fighter jet when MH17 came down but the Ukraine Air Force says it did not fly that day even though one of their alleged intercepted phone calls shows they were flying that day, and they had been bombing civilians in Shnizhne the days previous to 17th July 2014;
4. even though The Conservatory in Kiev was under the complete control of the neo Nazi Parubiy, he and his men allegedly could not find the shooters who provoked the blazing riots that led the junta chasing away Yanukovich, yet a photographer took photos of the snipers, one of the shooters says he was escorted away by Parubiy's men, and Parubiy blames Russian special forces.

Both sides are equally guilty of lying. In a case of this seriousness they are bound to point the fingers at each other and lie through their teeth, like in a sordid divorce case in which both husband and wife are equally guilty of adultery. What is at stake is that Nazi NATO wants to plonk first strike missiles aimed at Moscow on Russia's doorstep in Ukraine.

The difference between the above analogy of the divorce case and reality is that NATO just ran a violent neo-Nazi coup to oust a legitimately elected government.

Is that legal?

Would there be a civil war in Ukraine if NATO had not run that coup?

Would MH17 been shot down if NATO had not run that coup?

But the more important question is, would there be a civil war in Ukraine if the NATO media and their gimps had exposed the Nazism of the junta in early 2014 BEFORE junta supporters burned alive 50 anti-Kiev Nazi protestors in Odessa, and the junta killed over 7000 civilians?

Belling Cat are aware that this nation, as disunited and fascist as it is now, went to war against the Nazis in WW2? And that many British soldiers died fighting the Nazis? And that the Chief of Staff for Hitler later became the Chief of Staff of NATO? And that Russia sacrificed 27 million lives to defeat the Nazis? And that Henry Kissinger, Director of Belling Cat's collaborators The Atlantic Council, helped to get senior members of the Nazi hierarchy to the USA? And that the neo-Nazi junta have killed over 7000 civilians, 20 times that of MH17?

Take that video of the BUK with a missing missile. I have no argument about where. It is when that video was filmed. The Ukraine Security Service have stated, and even Belling Cat have referred to this, that that BUK was in Russia by 2am. Yet does that video look like it was filmed before 2am? Er, nope. It looks 5am-ish to me. It depends on the camera's filter. But Belling Cat believe that MH17 was shot down from a field 5Km south of Shnizhne. So how can they trust the Ukraine Security Service who released a sick tape they cobbled together that they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino?

Or was that BUK the one that brought down an Antonov An-26 on 14th July which was filmed between 14th and 18th July 2014?

Have Belling Cat no respect for all those who fought against and died fighting against the Nazis? The same Nazis who received so much financial, material, moral and political support from The Anglo-American Establishment (see Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler) because they wanted a second world war?

But when they are in league with the CIA (US AID), George Soros and The Atlantic, i.e. NATO, Council then nothing comes as a surprise anymore. Anything they write now will stink of NATO war propaganda. What they write might be true. It might not. But we have to ask: why don't organisations such as the US military, you know fully trained military personnel, produce such reports? Why does NATO intelligence, with all their superior resources, computers and analysts, have to rely on Belling Cat?

I can't wait until Belling Cat's next report showing how Russia knocked John Kerry off his bike to break his leg. That is how far Belling Cat have crossed the line between journalism and propaganda. Belling Cat are now that far away from that line that it is now a dot to them.

They have betrayed journalism and have sold their souls to NATO and their Nazis.

How about this for a bit of warmongering from Higgins' chum at The Atlantic Council?

Appeasement, eh?

And as for this:

Can you guess who funds Hromadske? The USA, The Netherlands, Soros and the US Embassy in Kiev!!

And MacWilson was Chief Aide to George Robertson when Robertson was Sec Gen of NATO!!

All this is just pure one-sided journalism, which in my book = propaganda.

But who cares when Nazi NATO uses neo-Nazis oust a legitimately elected government who then bomb to death over 7000 civilians opposing that Nazism with barely a whisper of condemnation in the NATO media.

One wonders what will happen to Higgins when the British public find out about the Nazism of the junta and how he protected and sided with it. But then again, the result of the latest election a few weeks ago shows just how Nazi the British public are so maybe they'll all bake Higgins a big cake!!

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