
Friday, May 01, 2015


This is the last post on The Truth Serum.


Ask a teacher.

Five years ago I was expecting to be involved in a court case, but it didn't happen for reasons unknown to me (but I have my suspicions), and it still hasn't.

But just over 2 years ago I met someone who I thought (a) had the perfect experience to help me in that case, and (b) would want to help me.

Did you ever stop to think that the two were related?

But knowing the vast difference in knowledge between us of how this world really works, I began to tell her gradually over a period of a few months. I honestly thought we were friends. Not best friends obviously, or Christmas card list friends, but friends. But then she unexpectedly and disappointingly ostracised me. I tried contacting over the summer of 2013. But still nothing. I sent her some more detailed reports in August 2013. And still nothing. After a few months, after giving her time to digest the reports, in January 2014 I told her I wrote TTS and asked, fully expecting her to agree, if she wanted to help. After all, she had 3 kids of her own. But still nothing.

Throughout 2014, despite lots of emails asking her to look deep inside to realise how she could help: nothing.

And when Islamic State sawed the heads of those Syrian military officers I became enraged, so because the Mr Nice Guy approach hadn't worked, I decided to change tactics, to shake her out of her apathy. But still nothing.

And now it is May 2015, 2 years since I last heard from her: and still - nothing. Not even a "thanks".

But the thing is this: she is not alone. She has family, and friends, and work colleagues. So why haven't they been able to persuade her to offer to help? She may well have passed those reports on to them. Have they tried to persuade her?

Because of her reluctance to reply at all, I assumed she didn't want to help, so I asked that those reports be returned and destroyed, because she had shown that she could not be trusted and I didn't want all that work in her untrustworthy hands that she could use for her own benefit. I didn't receive one return, thus showing a complete lack of respect towards me and reinforcing my lack of trust in, and everything else I had told her about my suspicion of, human relationships.

And 2 months ago I asked her to give me one good reason why should I walk around with a massive target on my back while they do nothing except enjoy their lives.

Have I heard anything back? Nope.

So I am obviously not good enough for the likes of her, her family and friends.

So d'you know what?


I don't think I could trust her legal advice anyway now. Not after all this.

So if you lot want a safer world for your children and grandchildren then you can do it yourselves. I've gone through all sorts of shit over the last 2 decades, including gang-stalking and EM harassment. And for what? So I can also be treated like a piece of shit by the very people I'm trying to help?


And I still demand that those reports be destroyed.

Maybe this will shake you ungrateful, apathetic, nymphomaniac lot from your middle class dreamy dream, to get off your obsequious arses and actually do something to save the families you produced from shagging and not rely on others who you treat like shit to do it for you.

All I have been trying to do is to help you lot, but all I got was to be treated like a leper covered in shit.


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