
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Why does Russia Today use the reports of Ami Horowitz? This morning RT used a short piece by Horowitz on most Muslims he spoke to preferred Sharia Law to American law. This piece is obviously going to get many Americans very concerned about Muslims and Arabs.

Horowitz was behind the documentary UN Me. I just watched the trailer. Can you guess what the trailer addressed? Iran's alleged nuclear weapons. Did it address Israel's nuclear weapons? Er, nope.

And here is Horowitz writing in The Weekly Standard in 2004:
ALL INDICATIONS point to a close presidential election in 2004, and in such a tight battle every vote and dollar will matter. While the Democrats won 80 percent of the Jewish vote in 2000, 2004 may prove to be a far different story and the Jewish vote may determine the fate of the presidency and congress. While Jews make up only 3 percent of the United States population, Jewish political influence is far greater than that due to their outsized campaign donations, media involvement and electoral presence.

Historically, Jewish voters' primary political concern has been social justice, which has been the key driver of their political affiliations. From the 1850's to the early 20th century, Republicans garnered the majority of the Jewish vote due in no small part to the GOP's role in abolition. Franklin Roosevelt sharply reversed that trend for the Democrats, who ever since have been perceived by Jewish voters as the champions of social justice.

But while social justice is important, today policy towards Israel looms large in the minds of Jewish voters. Ever since the generous Camp David II offer was made--and responded to by the Palestinians with a campaign of unique savagery--Israel has become to many American Jews the most prominent issue in their electoral decisions.

...A STUNNING REMINDER of Jewish political power came in the 2002 midterm elections, with the ousting of two vehemently anti-Israel legislators, Cynthia McKinney and Earl Hilliard. Both were Democrats and both were career antagonists towards Israel. The Jewish community targeted their reelection efforts. Both lost. (Interestingly, much of McKinney and Hilliard's money came from the Arab-American community.)

[source: Could the Jewish vote help George W. Bush recapture the White House in 2004?, The Weekly Standard,, 16th March 2004]

This article by Horowitz is basically a warning to Bush that the Jews are powerful. And remember, that was written as the Neocon wars were just getting going: Iraq; then Lebanon; then Libya; now Syria. Now why would someone want to write in in The Weekly Standard...created by co-founder of PNAC William Kristol...that the Jews are powerful? Eh?

And here is Horowitz on Iran:
I recently spent a few days in Vienna. I didn't go for the schnitzel or the strudel or the fact that it seems like it is the last place in the civilized world where you can smoke in a bar. No, I went to cover the recent farcical nuclear negotiations between the west and Iran that just wrapped up this week. (See the latest "Ami on the Street" below, as the chief western spokesperson gets annoyed with me for repeatedly pointing out Iran's propensity to obfuscate and the Iranian negotiators just trying to run away from me.)

The West is involved in a charade that is creating a clear lane for the Iranians to reach nuclear weapon nirvana. The foolish western negotiators seem to have an unceasing worship of paper, particularly any paper signed by Iran proclaiming their willingness to work with the west on issues of nuclear weapons. This ill-conceived gamble by the west presupposes good faith on the other side of the negotiating table, as demonstrated by the spokesperson below.

Unfortunately, a simple cursory examination of Iran's prior negotiations and agreements exposes Iran's liberal relationship with the truth and recidivist behavior when it comes to breaking such agreements.

So good luck with that!

[source : Ami Horowitz: Iran got game, Fox News,, 9th April 2014]

NB that's on Fox News.

Horowitz is fearmongering over Iran's nuclear weapons while, like The Guardian, completely ignoring the fact that Iran is a signatory to the NPT and does not have nuclear weapons, while Israel is not a signatory to the NPT and DOES have nuclear weapons...and has actually threatened to use them!!

So what can we deduce about Horowitz?

But this adds to the suspicions about why self-proclaimed 'Maverick' (who voted for war on Syria in 2013) Zac Goldsmith MP was on RT so frequently. Goldsmith had just married into THE Rothschild family.

And that US DIA report has been left to an Op-Edge rather than a report such as that by Horowitz shown on TV. Why?

There is something not right about this.

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