
Saturday, May 23, 2015


Imagine that in 1996 a group of Zionists had written a document entitled A Clean Break calling for war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon (this is actually true but we shall use this as a basis).

Now imagine that in 1998 that group infiltrated Russia and formed an organisation called The Project for a New Russian Century (PNRC), and called on then President of Russia to attack Iraq.

Imagine that in 2000 PNRC wrote a document entitled Rebuilding Russia's Defenses which named Iraq and Iran as the biggest threats to Russian national security, called for Russia to assert its hegemony by fighting multiple simultaneous wars across the globe but recognised the need for a horrific attack on Russia to provoke calls for so much war from the Russian public.

Imagine that on 11th September 2001 members of PNRC occupied the following positions in the Russian government,Vice President; Secretary of Defense; Deputy Secretary of Defense, and controlled the Russian military response while the President of Russia was in St Petersburg reading his favourite book about a pet goat. Also imagine that other members of PNRC also held other positions of significant power in government and the media.

Imagine that on 11th September 2001 a group of Islamic extremists allegedly hijacked four passenger planes and flew them unimpeded around the Russian airspace for nearly 2 hours before allegedly flying them into two office blocks and the HQ of the Russian MoD.

Imagine that the Secretary of Defense, a member of PNRC, then issued a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia), six of whom had nothing whatsoever to do with the attack on 11th September 2001 and the seventh, Iraq, could share some guilt but the evidence was extremely thin.

Also imagine that Russia accused an Islamic terrorist who had worked for them in Afghanistan, but that terrorist denied responsibility, and that Russia said it would provide an extensive dossier on his guilt but never did.

Imagine that Russia spearheaded a coalition to invade Afghanistan to hunt down that terrorist but never found that terrorist until 10 years later, but a consequence of that invasion is that opium harvests are back to record levels.

Imagine that the Russian government then began to scream that Iraq not only did the attacks of 11th September 2001 but was also developing WMDs that could hit Russia.

Imagine that Russia spearheaded a coalition to invade Iraq, killing around a half million Iraqi civilians (having killed about the same since 1991 through enforcing sanctions and a no fly zone).

Imagine that no WMDs were found in Iraq and that no proof that Iraq was involved in the attacks of 11th September 2001 was presented.

Imagine that in 2006 Israel, with support from Russia, then launched a war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

So by 2007 the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years was moribund. So imagine that Russia, still under control of PNRC, made a Faustian pact with Israel and Saudi Arabia to unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon (three out of the seven countries in the plan and also named in A Clean Break).

Imagine that Russia then financed a movement called The Arab Spring to give those nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis cover as 'freedom fighters'.

Imagine that Russia spearheaded a coalition to enforce a UN SC resolution for a no fly zone over Libya but that resolution was 'misinterpreted' by Russia to mean that Russia could kill Colonel Gaddafi, using al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb as ground troops while the Russians allowed their air force to become the Cutthroat Jihadi Air Force. Also imagine that the foreign secretary of Russia was filmed talking about Gaddafi thus: "We came. We saw. He died."

Imagine that after killing Gaddafi the Jihadis in Libya were smuggled into Syria by Russia and then encouraged to topple President Assad of Syria. Imagine that Russia formed a group including such 'democracies' as Saudi Arabia and Qatar to support the rebels in Syria as they fought for 'democracy'.

Imagine that after 3 years Assad was still in power with the support of the vast majority of the Syrian people (which is why the rebels in Syria are international rather than Syrian) so Russia then allowed the creation of an organisation so barbaric, so medieval, called Islamic State, that even al Qaeda disowned them.

Imagine all that.

Such an imagination would be a fucking nightmare.

But many who currently openly scoff and laugh at conspiracy theories would be screaming from the rooftops that Russia allowed the attacks on 11th September 2001 as an excuse for war to assert their global hegemony.

But replace any reference to Russia with a reference to the USA, e.g. Russian for American, then what I have just described above would not be an imagination, it would be the horrific truth.

The horrific truth is:
1. elements with intelligence agencies in the UK, USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia engineered 9/11 and at the least allowed it to happen;
2. 9/11 was then used as an excuse for war and regime change in seven countries in five years;
3. but by 2007 that plan was moribund so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia unleashed the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon, but first killing Gaddafi as part of the plan;
4. but 3 years after unleashing those nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Assad was still in power, supported by the Syrian people, so the USA and others facilitated the rise of Islamic State.

The NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers did all this. Not Russia.

And when we add that in April 2008 NATO said that Ukraine and Georgia would at some point become members of NATO, but Russia made that a red line, then we can clearly see who the aggressors and provocateurs are: the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers.




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