
Monday, June 15, 2015


I used to laugh at Bellingcrap. But not anymore.

Some of their tweets mocking Belling Cat I found very funny.

But their credibility just went right down to zero today.

I don't care if you're part of a Kremlin propaganda operation or just an independent civilian expressing their concern for the outrageous pro-NATO bias of Belling Cat.

When you sit on the same stage as and next to someone like John Herbst at a conference sponsored by The Atlantic Council and other members of the NATO-military-industrial-banking complex then you have lost all credibility as a journalist and have become a propagandist.

But when you call this website "crackpot" when it attempts to show that both world wars of last century were engineered by the British monarchy, the first through Freemasonry and the second through their Wall Street Hofjuden, and that the same British monarchy have unleashed the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria through their proxy Saudi Arabia, and also nurture deep, meaningful relationships with paedo creeps like Jimmy Savile, then you too have lost all credibility.

I know what Higgins does. He just latched on the lizard thing. He's done it before. He'll do it again. He usually does something like that when he is hurt.

Let's get this crystal clear: I do not believe that this planet is run by "lizard people".

But there has to be something of a cold-blooded reptile in the British monarchy and their gimps after all they've done and are doing!!

And because of their refusal to see that the wars in North Africa and the Middle East were planned in the 1990's (it takes years to get all the pieces in place to capitalise on events such as 9/11), and that NATO just totally pissed on the graves of all those who fought and died fighting the Nazis in WW2 by allowing and then using Nazis in a violent coup to overthrow the legitimately elected government of Ukraine to install their puppet Yats who then packed the junta with Nazis who then started a war on the civilians of East Ukraine rebelling against their Nazism, there is something of a cold-blooded lizard in every member of Belling Cat.

I am independent, neither Washington (BellingCat?) or Moscow (BellingCrap?). I haven't sold my soul to anyone.

If I see enough evidence to decide that Russia did provide the separatists with a BUK which was used to shoot down MH17 then I'll say so.

So far I haven't.

But I have seen NATO expand and expand and expand when it looks they promised not to, and know that behind that expansion lies a force that likes to interfere with and kill children, unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syrian children, and unleash neo-Nazis onto children in East Ukraine.

So fuck you, Bellingcrap (propagandist)!!

And fuck you, BellingCat (propagandist)!!

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