
Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I just read some of the operations used by GCHQs JTRIG against their targets. I recognise some of their tactics as being used against me personally as an individual.

I have posted some of these attacks here on this blog: emails and texts I have sent have not been received by the intended recipient; I have not received emails and texts sent to me by someone else; the backslash (\) required to write Latex files was disabled on my laptop; taking up to 25 minutes to have a working internet browser; files stored on the University computers have been interfered with, replaced with old files or deleted.

The latest I reported just 2 days ago when a program I was running on the University computers suddenly stopped writing any output after 200,000 iterations yet it ran for several hours and 800,000 iterations more (as I had expected).


Kiddie-fiddling bastards!!

Using public funds to manipulate the private lives of individuals exposing the truth!!

I think I remember Tony Gosling writing a month or so ago that his files were being interfered with too.

Read > JTRIG < for details on how GCHQ abuses its powers like they abuse children.

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