
Saturday, June 06, 2015


Reported in The Daily Mail is this very disturbing science project in which a student used his mind to control the direction in which a cockroach moved.

Mind control is a staple of sci-fi films such as X-Men, but a Chinese student has now made the technology a reality.

Using just his thoughts, he is shown in a video controlling the movement of the cyborg insect, fitted with electrodes and a chip, by wearing an electroencephalography (EEG) headset.

After guiding the robo-roach around an S-shaped bend, he uses his brain patterns to negotiate a zig-zag path accurately.

[source : What were they thinking? Student creates cyborg cockroach that he can control with his THOUGHTS for science competition...but it's beaten by a robot that plays rock, paper, scissors, The Daily Mail,, 5th June 2015]

In a report I referred to earlier it was proposed that in 15 years time our brains will be run by nanobots to connect to the cloud.

The irony is that the global elite see us as cockroaches crawling over their planet who must be controlled.

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