
Thursday, June 18, 2015


Mikhail Khordokovsky spoke at The Atlantic Council yesterday. Coincidentally, at the same time, Belgium decided to seize all Russian assets in Belgium...but nobody seems to know why. Initial rumours were that a ruling had been made in the Yukos case, which Khordokovsky owned but handed to Lord Jacob Rothschild, but this is being denied.

Anyway, Khordokovsky made this sick joke yesterday:

NATO just used neo-Nazis to provoke a violent revolution by shooting protestors and police from The Conservatory, and then launch a war against the Donbass, which has led to the deaths of nearly 7000 civilians, as it rebels against the NATO putsch.

How do we know it was NATO?

Victoria Kagan-Nuland hand-picked Arseny Yatsenyuk to be the new PM in a phone call with Geoffrey Pyatt in which Kagan-Nuland stated, "Fuck the EU!". Yats runs a foundation called Open Ukraine which has the following partners:
National Endowment for Democracy;
US Embassy in Kiev;
Chatham House (London);
Renaissance Foundation (Soros);

and...(drum roll)...NATO!!!!

Yats would then pack the junta with neo-Nazis. This gave the neo-Nazis in Odessa the confidence to burn 50 people alive in a Trade Union building, and then the junta started a war on Donbass, to put down a counter-revolution against their initial destabilising violent revolution, a war which continues to this day.

Damon Wilson's catchphrase is "Advancing a Europe Whole & Free". He must amend that to reflect Kagan-Nuland's feeling: Advancing a Europe Whole & Free & Fucked.

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