
Sunday, June 21, 2015


The TTS Sick Joke of the Day is awarded to Prime Minister David "Dave" Cameron for this wonderful display of breathtaking hypocrisy.

The war on Syria was planned in the 1990's, and was just one of several wars planned. An event such as 9/11 was required to convince a sceptical American public to support those wars. The plan was for war and regime change in seven countries in five years. The seven countries were Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. But by 2007 this plan was moribund, with only Iraq ticked off the list, so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. However, they were first unleashed onto Libya (one of the seven), with the full support of Cameron, and eventually killed Gaddafi. After Libya the Jihadis were smuggled into Syria and were expected to quickly either oust or kill Assad. Former French foreign minister Roland Dumas claims that in 2009 he was asked by Great Britain to help them plan the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria.

But things haven't quite gone to plan.

The people of Syria have generally backed Assad. One survey that NATO was aware of in 2013 suggested that 80% of Syrians backed Assad, 10% backed the Jihadis and the rest were neutral. This is why the so called 'civil' war in Syria is not civil: Syria is being covertly invaded by international cutthroat Jihadis with the full backing of the UK, USA, Israel (who frequently provide air support to the Jihadis), France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan. The UK is only supposed to be giving 'non lethal' aid to the Jihadis but 2 weeks ago a trial of a suspected terrorist collapsed after it was found that the UK had been arming the very terrorist organisation that the suspected terrorist was a member of!

And regarding ISIL, after the incident of 21st August 2013, the Syrian Arab Army began to drive the terrorists out of Syria into Iraq, where the terrorists began creating Islamic State. The Kurds told NATO what was happening but NATO let it happen. Why? In 2012 the US DIA proposed that a Salafist entity could be created on the border with Iraq to isolate Assad. By 2014 this had not happened. But the event of 21st August 2013 was a false flag designed to provoke a war on Syria because the Jihadis had failed to accomplish what they were expected to do in Libya and either oust or kill Assad. But that false flag didn't work either. So by 2014 Plan A (unleash the Jihadis onto Syria) hadn't worked. Plan B (false flag to provoke a war on Syria) hadn't worked. So Plan C (the DIA-proposed Salafist entity) has been implemented. The Iraqi Army was told to stand down and leave their bases and weapons as the escaping terrorists entered Iraq. This allowed the terrorists to regroup and loot several towns and cities. That Salafist entity we know as Islamic State.

And this is why so many Muslims somehow easily find their way to travel to Syria and to join Islamic State. The NATO/Zionist/Gulf states need Islamic State to thrive so that they have a reason to openly interfere in Syria.

And the reason why Syria is important is because the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states want a pipeline form the Pars gas field from Qatar running through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey and then onto Europe to threaten Russia's influence over Europe, but Assad wants a pipeline from the Pars gas field from Iran through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and onto Europe without threatening Russia's influence over Europe.

And NATO media plays their part too. For example, Vice News recently won an award for a documentary on Islamic State. A reporter of theirs was allowed to live in Islamic State and talk to some members. That documentary was more of an advert for Islamic State rather than a critique.

One wonders why Vice News, or indeed any NATO media, hasn't exposed the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that has eventually led to the rise of Islamic State.

So there you have it. Cameron is complicit in the war on Syria and the rise of Islamic State but now cites Islamic State as the reason why GCHQ should know every teeny weeny thing that we do and think (if they don't already).

Cameron and his ilk are a dangerous breed of political extremists.

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