
Friday, June 19, 2015


Here is another award for another investigation into MH17:

This was retweeted by Eliot Higgins.

The irony as that, although based on Belling Cat's work, the Correctiv proposal is, based on yet more witnesses (who do not give their names or show their faces), that MH17 was shot down from a field 3Km north of Shnizhne.

So just to recap:
1. the Ukraine Security Service says MH17 was shot down by Cossacks at Chernukino;
2. Belling Cat say MH17 was shot down from a field 5Km south of Shnizhne;
3. Correctiv say MH17 was shot down form a field 3Km north of Shnizhne;
4. the US State dept says MH17 was shot down from a field south of Shnizhne, but it is a different field to that proposed by Belling Cat.

So in effect, form the Russia-did-it side, there are 4, yes, repeat FOUR, different proposed launch sites for a BUK.

And each different proposal seems to win an award!!!

You've gotta laff!

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