
Saturday, July 18, 2015


15th September 1912 was the day on which the prophecy that Arch Duke Ferdinand would be assassinated by Freemasonry was made in Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secretes.


Not 1914.

Not 1915.


Almost two years before his assassination.

Then on 28th June 1914 Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated by a gang who claimed to be Freemasons (though not all), and the assassins claimed that they had received weapons and encouragement from Freemasons abroad.

And we all know who runs Freemasonry, don't we?

And we all know who benefited the most from World War One, don't we?

Ciganovic appears to be the man who was the main Freemason of the group. In Dedijer's book The Road to Sarajevo there is a whole chapter dedicated to the theory that Freemasonry was behind the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. In that chapter there is a paragraph in which two members of the assassination squad claim that the statements from the assassins at their trial regarding Freemasonry were made up the night before they gave their testimony by communicating to each other in their cells through a series of knocks on the wall. Apparently they had a system in which each letter of the alphabet had a pattern of knocks, similar but different to Morse code.

At the trial Cabrinovic stated that it was Ciganovic who told them that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death over a year before.

And Count Czernin stated that Ferdinand told him that Ferdinand knew that Freemasonry had condemned him to death.

Now, it is possible that both Ciganovic and Ferdinand knew of the revelations made on 15th September 1912, but so far there is no evidence to support this.

However, can we believe this claim from two minor members of the assassination squad claim that the prison guards allowed the prisoners, assassins of Ferdinand, to communicate with each other by banging on the walls or tapping on pipes all night?

But why would these two minor members make such claims? Were they under threat?

What we have for certain is a prophecy made almost two years before the event that Arch Duke Ferdinand had been condemned to death by Freemasonry.

And we also know for certain that Jovanovic-Cupa, who created Ujedinjenje ili smrt! (Black Hand), was a Freemason, but he died on 25th June 1913.

We have to ask why Freemasonry hated Ferdinand so much to condemn him to death.

But are we to believe that Ciganovic had read or heard about this Freemasonic condemnation of Ferdinand, then decided the night before the assassins gave their testimony to tell his fellow assassins about this by tapping on walls and pipes, telling them to blame Freemasonry, and the prison guards did nothing to stop the prisoners communicating in this way?

How much communication using their system of communication would be required so they could all get their stories straight and consistent, without arousing the suspicions of the guards?

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