
Wednesday, July 29, 2015


In response to the UN SC vote on a tribunal on MH17, Eliot Higgins has tweeted this:

But here is another timely reminder:
1. Higgins, Belling Cat and others express support for the thesis that MH17 was shot down from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne, yet just a few hours after MH17 was reported down the SBU released a tape of what they said was a transcript of an intercepted phone call which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that MH17 was shot down by Cossacks from Chernukino. But it was quickly shown that that tape was cobbled together from other tapes;
2. The Ukraine counter-intelligence chief Naida told a press conference that the BUK that allegedly shot down MH17 was back in Russia by 4am on the 18th July at the latest, while his organisation released a video, which is used extensively by Belling Cat, that they claimed showed that same BUK that allegedly shot down MH17 in Luhansk at 5am on 18th July;
3. During a press conference, that took place just as MH17 was falling out of the sky, Lysenko revealed that Ukraine had videos of BUKs in possession of the separatists. If so, why did Ukraine not shut down the airspace over East Ukraine?
4. As revealed by Joost Niemoller, there was a secret agreement between The Netherlands, Ukraine, Belgium and Australia that anyone of these 4 nations could veto evidence, and it took these nations months to allow Malaysia into their circle of trust, thus revealing a conspiracy to control evidence;
5. The Netherlands, as a founding member of NATO, wants Ukraine as a member of NATO, and after a NATO-supported-and-protected neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014, Ukraine wants to become a member of NATO, so with point 4. above there is a massive motive for bias in the current investigation apparatus.

But I suppose these protestations from Higgins will improve his chances of a PhD from his employers, Kings College London, who employ Higgins in their Science and Security Studies, whose main focus appears to be Iran.

And we know who is obsessed with Iran, don't we?

Yep. Israel.

According to the Science and Security Studies group in the Dept of War Studies at KCL, Iran, not Israel, is the major cause of concern and instability.

I wonder where they get that point of view.

And I wonder if they are aware of the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11.

And that if they are not, will Higgins reveal it to them?

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