
Thursday, July 02, 2015


Before reading the proposal by Defence Minister Michale Fallon to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria you should first read this by, surprisingly, Con Coughlin:

The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.

They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

...“If the Americans and the West are not prepared to do anything serious about defeating Isil, then we will have to find new ways of dealing with the threat,” said a senior Arab government official. “With Isil making ground all the time we simply cannot afford to wait for Washington to wake up to the enormity of the threat we face.”

... The US has also infuriated its allies, particularly Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulf states, by what they perceive to be a lack of clear purpose and vacillation in how they conduct the bombing campaign. Other members of the coalition say they have identified clear Isil targets but then been blocked by US veto from firing at them.

“There is simply no strategic approach,” one senior Gulf official said. “There is a lack of coordination in selecting targets, and there is no overall plan for defeating Isil.

[source : US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State, Daily Telegraph,, 2nd July 2015]

So this shows how frustrated people are becoming with how we are dealing with Islamic State in Iraq. The number of sorties against Islamic State is just a small fraction flown during the invasions of Iraq in 1991 and 2003. And there are an increasing number of claims that the USA is directly supplying Islamic State.

British planes have also been intercepted dropping supplies for Islamic State.
"The Iraqi Parliament's National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL," Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.

[source : Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL, Fars News,, 23rd February 2015]

And convoys of supplies bound for Islamic State are passing unimpeded through Turkey (completely unobserved by BellingCat).

The simple and plain facts are that:
1. Syria is just one of seven nations targeted for war and regime change in five years after 9/11, the other size being Iraq, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia and Libya;
2. but by 2007 this plan was moribund so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon;
3. but under the banner of the US State Dept-engineered Arab Spring these Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya and were given air support by NATO;
4. after Libya the Jihadis were smuggled into Syria where they were expected by their sponsors, NATO/Zionist/Gulf states, to quickly oust Assad;
5. but by July 2013 Assad was growing in strength after nearly being defeated, so Prince Bandar was sent to Moscow and threatened Putin that if Putin didn't dump Assad then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria;
6. Putin declined and so on 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell in Syria;
7. but that failed to provoke the war on Syria the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers wanted to oust Assad;
8. so a plan proposed by the US DIA in 2012 has been implemented to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity in Syria to isolate Assad. That entity we know as Islamic State. Hence all the supplies and comfort we are covertly giving them to sustain them and build them up to a credible threat so that we can once again interfere in Syria and Iraq.

And the reason why Assad is so crucial to both Russia and the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states is that the the latter want a pipeline from the Pars gas field starting in Qatar running through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey onwards to Europe to threaten Russia's energy business and influence over Europe, while Assad wants a pipeline from the Pars gas field from Iran through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon onwards to Europe that would NOT threaten Russia's energy business with Europe.

So when you read the following from Fallon, just remember: Islamic State was created as a means to oust Assad to get a particular pipeline built. All that terrorism, head-chopping, throwing gays off buildings, drowning prisoners in cages, David Haines, Alan Henning, etc. It is all for a pipeline that the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers want in opposition to that wanted by Assad.

MPs should consider allowing Britain to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria, the defence secretary is to say.

The RAF has been carrying out strikes in Iraq since September but Michael Fallon will say Parliament should look at the case for missions in Syria too.

Mr Fallon will say there is no legal barrier but assure MPs no action will be taken without a Commons vote.

He will suggest terrorist attacks, such as Friday's tourist murders in Tunisia, may have been planned by IS in Syria.

[source : Consider Syria IS strikes, MPs urged, BBC,, 2nd July 2015]

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