
Saturday, July 04, 2015


As Tony the Tiger would say : IT'S GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!

You spend a decade or two finding out how the world really works, risking life and livelihood. You then send that work to someone who you think could help, would understand the dire situation and would want to help, but they don't say a thing in response, no word of thanks or offer of help. So you then ask and ask and ask, expecting some kind of thanks and offer to help, but receive no reply. So, expecting that they would understand, them being teachers and ordering their students to do this, that and the other to satisfy their vanity, you ask that they destroy the stuff you sent to them...but they don't.

All I get is a, FUCK YOU!!

The cynic in me is saying that they are using that stuff for their own benefit: for promotion; to impress a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife; to write a book or thesis under their own name.

But what's worse is that after pretending to be friends, they've sent that stuff to God knows who, WITHOUT MY FUCKING PERMISSION, so that it could it be used by whoever for whatever purpose for their own benefit!!!!

I know these 'people'. You do too. They teach your children. They called me names behind my back instead of asking me a question of any substance. I said nothing about them. I didn't call them any names, to their faces or behind their back. All I was doing was trying to help them. And wen I told one of them in great detail what has been and is going on, all they wanted to do was talk about sex and swinging, and I was and still am ostracised.

These are teachers, ladies and gentlemen, of your children.

Yeah. Teachers. Of your children.

So what's it like being treated like a piece of shit? It's grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

You should try it.

A FUCK YOU! deserves a FUCK YOU!

Fuck you, dearest, dearest teachers. A fuck you to you, your friends and family.

Tell all your students how you treat someone helping you and telling you the truth.

And don't order them to do anything until you destroy all that stuff I sent/you've been sent.


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