
Thursday, July 23, 2015


The 'comic' David Baddiel has had a go at 'conspiracy theories' about Jews in The Guardian.
Why do so many conspiracy theories boil down to: it’s the Jews wot done it?

[source : Short of a conspiracy theory? You can always blame the Jews, The Guardian,, 22nd July 2015]

I'll never get sick of posting this video because it explains so much. Here is General Wesley Clark explaining how he was told shortly after 9/11 that the USA was going to implement a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

There are several things to note from this:
1. Paul Wolfowitz suggested in 1991 that the USA had 5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes, Iraq, Iran and Syria;
2. in 1996 a think tank produced a document entitled A Clean Break which basically called for war on Lebanon but also Iraq, Iran and Syria;
3. in 1998 a political organisation called Project for a New American Century was formed by Robert Kagan and William Kristol, whose first act was to write to then President Bill Clinton demanding war on Iraq. Many members of PNAC were active Zionists working for Israel;
4. in 2000 PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses which named Iraq and Iran as the greatest threats to US national security (are you beginning to see a pattern now?), and then proposed that the USA assert its power across the globe through multiple simultaneous wars but recognising the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to persuade Americans to support such wars;
5. on 11th September 2001, while President Bush was in Florida reading his favourite book to a class of schoolchildren, powerful members of PNAC were essentially in charge of the American government, but particularly the defence, as somehow Islamic terrorists were allegedly able to fly hijacked passenger planes unimpeded around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly 2 hours before performing nearly impossible manoeuvres and flying those hijacked planes into the World Trade Center and...can you believe this...THE PENTAGON!!
6. the events of 9/11 provided the "new Pearl Harbor" desired by PNAC, which they used to implement the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, all seven of whom had nothing to do with 9/11.

However, before this was implemented a coalition was formed to bomb and invade Afghanistan. This is obviously not a Zionist conspiracy. We went into Afghanistan to restore the opium harvests for our ruling families (who have controlled the drugs trade for centuries) after the Taliban had eradicated the crops.

But after that, in 2003, the plan was implemented.

In 2003 we invaded Iraq after being told that Iraq was involved in 9/11 and had WMDs. Neither claim turned out to be true.

And here is the killer clue: in 2006 Israel provoked a war with Hezbollah.

So, as reported by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection, by 2007 this original plan was moribund, so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran (three of the seven). But for whatever reason they were first unleashed onto Libya (another of the seven).

But after Libya the Jihadis were shipped to Syria, where for 4 years they have been trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad. Because by summer 2013 the Jihadis had failed to oust Assad, Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia threatened that if Putin didn't dump Assad then Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria. Putin declined, so on 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell on earth in Syria. But that false flag failed to provoke the war on Syria the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers wanted, so a US DIA plan proposed in 2012, to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity in East Syria to isolate Assad, has been implemented. That Salafist entity we know as Islamic State.

It's unfunny how the targets of the wars since 9/11 have also been enemies of Israel: Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria.

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