
Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Apparently the BBC has produced a 'film' focusing on Lady Seymour Wolsey entitled The Scandalous Lady W, who during the reign of King George III shagged and shagged and shagged many men, sometimes while her husband watched.

Meanwhile, the BBC has not, repeat not, produced a documentary on the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. The initial plan, spawned in 1991 at the latest, was for war and regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia and Sudan.

After invading Afghanistan on a bogus hunt for an already dead Osama bin Laden (the true reason was to restore opium harvests that had been eradicated by the Taliban), this plan began to be implemented in 2003, with an invasion of Iraq because, we were told, Iraq had WMD and had done 9/11, both reasons being total bollocks. After Iraq, Israel contrived a war on Hezbollah in 2006, but remarkably lost!

So by 2007 this initial plan, based on the Zionist warmongering document A Clean Break, was moribund.

To inject some life back into the plan the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. However, between 2007 and 2011 the decision was taken (when and by whom I know not) to unleash the Jihadis onto Libya. After several months of SAS support on the ground and NATO air support, and months of lynching black Libyans for the simple reason they were black, these NATO-supported Jihadis took the piss out the UN SCR 1973 and killed Gaddafi.

After Libya the Jihadis and weapons from Libya's arsenal were smuggled into Syria, perhaps along one of the ratlines that Roland Dumas was asked to plan by the British.

Anyway, since 2011, Syria has been resisting this plague of cutthroat Jihadi locusts who receive financial support from Saudi Arabia, moral and political support from NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers and logistical support from Turkey, Jordan, USA etc, you know, the usual suspects.

But the cutthroat Jihadis failed to oust Assad over a period of 2 years, so Syria suffered a chemical weapons false flag run by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, after he had threatened Putin with unleashing hell on earth in Syria if Putin didn't dump Assad. Putin declined, so Bandar unleased hell on 21st August 2013.

But that failed to provoke a war on Syria due to Ed Miliband and one Vladimir Putin, so a plan proposed by the US DIA in 2012 was implemented to facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity in East Syria to isolate Assad. That entity we know as Islamic State, which is now being used as a reason to openly interfere in Syria through airstrikes and boots on t'ground, as well as an excuse to take away our privacy. No mention is made that there has been a Covenant of Security between the British and Islamic terrorists that the terrorists could operate out of London without fear of prosecution or extradition but only if they attacked targets that coincided with British foreign policy. This is why Michael Adebalajo, despite being a suspected terrorist and drug dealer, was allowed to preach Jihad against Assad on the streets of London before trying to saw Lee Rigby's head off.

And so here we are, on 22nd July 2015, and more and more hints and suggestions, and plans, are being made that the only solution to the problem (that we created) of Islamic State is a No fly Zone and British boots on the ground in Syria (as if the SAS aren't enough, and look how well they did in Libya!!)

Does anyone fancy crowdfunding a documentary on this?

Anyway, which would you prefer: shagging in the 19th Century? Or the truth behind much of the violence in North Africa and the Middle East?

I know which a few teachers would like...

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