
Monday, July 13, 2015


That's what the BellingCat mercenaries do.

BellingCat are cooperating with NATO, George Soros and the CIA:
1. through a project with the OCCRP, which is funded by USAID (CIA) and Soros;
2. through PutinAtWar with The Atlantic Council (created by the creators of NATO), as if the USA has never, ever, ever been at war.

There are two main international conflicts occuring at the moment. BellingCat have taken sides and are being promoted in the NATO media.

The two conflicts are:

The war in Syria: it's blatantly clear that the war on Syria was planned in the 1990s, executed shortly after 9/11 as one of seven wars in five years as revealed by General Wesley Clark, but this initial plan failed, so cutthroat Jihadis were unleashed by Saudi Arabia with the agreement with the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers, but that failed too, so a false flag was run by Prince Bandar on 21st August 2013 to try to provoke a war on Syria, but that failed too, so Islamic State was allowed to rise to power to give those same NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers the excuse to openly interfere in Syria and guide the 'civil' war to reach their desired outcome: the removal of President Bashar al Assad. For resisting the illegal and bloodthirsty policies of the NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers, BellingCat's role is to focus your attention on the Syrian regime allegedly using barrel bombs in Aleppo and trying to pin 21st August 2013 on Assad rather than the much more criminal war planned in the 1990s and the unleashing of cutthroat Jihadis by NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers.

The war in Ukraine: in late 2013, after Putin had averted the war on Syria by NATO/Zionist/Gulf powers, trouble began to brew in Ukraine over a deal that Yanukovich had reached with Putin. So throughout 2014, NATO pissed on the graves of all those who fought and died fighting the Nazis in WW2 and allowed neo-Nazis to oust a legitimately elected government and then install their puppet, Yatseniuk, who proceeded to pack his junta with the violent neo-Nazis, who began to crush a rebellion in East Ukraine against their neo-Nazi coup with extreme prejudice, resulting in the deaths of 7000 civilians in East Ukraine and the the disaster of MH17. BellingCat's role is to focus your attention on MH17 so that you ignore the horrible fact that NATO ignored their raison d'etre (to destroy nationalism, promote stability), and pissed on the graves of all those who died at the hands of the Nazis, and used extreme nationalist neo-Nazis to oust a legitimately elected government to install their puppets (Ukraine PM and Finance Minister), and leading to the deaths of 7000 civilians of East Ukraine, causing massive instability in East Europe.

In the eyes of the likes of Rothschild agent Soros, nobody is allowed to resist. Any resistance must be crushed. Hence, Soros finances projects with BellingCat and the CIA to blame Putin for all crimes across the world (as if Soros is an angel), and to provide a platform for writers to write propaganda against Russia through projects like Runet Echo.

But little do these servants of the demon Soros know that Soros is a servant of Satan himself: the kiddie-fiddling British monarchy.

If BellingCat were lawyers they would prosecute the rape victim for defending themselves against the rapist.

But hey! At least it's all worth it. Eliot Higgins gets to wear a snazzy tie on yet another warmongering freebie on the NATO White Wine Train, this time in Kiev! Choo chooo! Choo Choooo! All aboard!

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