
Saturday, July 25, 2015


Sky News is reporting that the Foreign Minister of Turkey is stating that the areas of Northern Syria which Turkey clears of 'militants' (who Turkey has been assisting for years) will become safe zones.

What did I just say yesterday? That I was expecting something big regarding Syria over August?

I said this because:
1. Syria has been holding up the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11, a plan for war and regime change in seven countries that was supposed to take just 5 years, yet here we are, in 2015, nearly 14 years later, and only a half of the targeted nations have experienced war and/or regime change;
2. so in March this year, all the aggressors against Syria met in secret in Turkey and agreed that enough was enough and that the 'rebels', i.e. al Qaeda, Jabhat al Nusra, would get everything they wanted, except SAMs, to take out Assad, who has been holding up the plan for 4 years;
3. as reported by Tony Cartalucci, a Brookings report a month or two ago proposed safe zones, buffer zones, no fly zones in Syria to be policed by Turkey and NATO powers that Syria dare not attack;
4. shortly after this report there was a terrorist attack in Sousse, Tunisia, which has a strong whiff of a false flag run by British Intelligence (the intellectual and his organisation suspected of the attack were based in the UK when there was a Covenant of Security between Islamic terrorists and British security services), and that attack led to increased calls for open interference in Syria by the UK, and the revelation that British pilots have already been bombing Syria but as part of a coalition.

What evidence do we have that the terrorist attack in Turkey earlier this week which as provoked these attacks by Turkey on Syrian soil was indeed Islamic State?

And even if it was Islamic State, was it a LIHOP?

We know who in reality runs Islamic State.

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