
Wednesday, July 01, 2015


In the name of saving the environment, the British Royal family—through their agent John Schellnhuber, an official Commander of the Order of the British Empire—has moved to take over the Catholic church and use it as an instrument for their global depopulation, genocide agenda.

...In another presentation to the same June 2015 Paris conference of the Schiller Institute, Professor Carl-Otto Weiss demonstrated that all the temperature changes (rises and falls) of the past centuries (including the present one) are completely explained by two natural cycles of variation: a 60 year cycle of ocean activity and a 200 year cycle of solar activity. Because these natural variations account for all the changes we’ve witnessed in the past 50 years there is no basis to argue that human CO2 emissions have done anything significant to the climate (or will in the future).

Regarding the real causes of climate change, LaRouche PAC’s Benjamin Deniston has presented the records and studies showing the top-down role of our galactic system as the dominant factor (followed by the subsumed activity of our Sun) controlling these processes on Earth. See the May 6, 2015 episode of The New Paradigm for Mankind.

[source : Schellnhuber as a Satanic Force, LPAC,, Accessed: 1st July 2015]

And all this just so that Prince Philip can come out with this:
"You cannot keep a bigger flock of sheep than you are capable of feeding. In other words conservation may involve culling in order to keep a balance between the relative numbers in each species within any particular habitat. I realize this a very touchy subject, but the fact remains that mankind is part of the living world."

The simple and plain facts are that they want you dead so they can have the planet all to themselves, but with just enough 'human resources', i.e. slaves, and of the right sort to do all the work for them.

And robots are part of the agenda: partly for work, but partly to police us and decide through 'artificial intelligence' who lives and who dies.

Enjoy the rest of your days on Planet Earth. You may not have too many of them left...unless you decide to do something, anything to help to stop them.

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