
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I can testify that world and European government is being pushed in British schools.

It is disguised as life skills or something similar,and at the expense of other, arguably more important, subjects like mathematics. But what I saw they do is provide two reasons for and one reason against world and European government.

This is just one more reason why all parents should get involved in the schools that their children attend. Not only to clearly make it known to the lustful teachers that your children are not the play things of teachers, but to also see and understand how the agenda is being implemented: world and European government; the use of IT to connect children to computers rather than to humans; the anything-goes agenda (anything except the truth, that is) such as transgenderism.

ps I count superstate as one word, but d'ya know what? It doesn't really matter. It's all a scam...and one for which Tsipras was promoted to save.

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