
Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Lyndon Baines Johnson.

It was Johnson, a trained and experienced teacher, who reversed JFK's decision to get out of Vietnam and dragged the USA into a war that lasted over 10 years and resulted in the deaths of 58000 American soldiers, but also 3 million Vietnamese who were fighting for their independence from the French!!

So next time you look your kid's teachers in the eye, ask yourself: would you send my children into war?

Such teachers exist. They'd spend years teaching your children to read and write, raking in the salaries and enjoying the long holidays, and then send your children off to war to kill or be killed.

So is there a noble profession?

Teaching teaches kids how to be good robots and killers.

Nursing helps many to get well, but then there are nurses in abortion clinics. Same goes for doctors.

Lawyers get criminals off and the innocent banged up (plus it's infested with Freemasons).

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