
Tuesday, July 07, 2015


Eliot Higgins has started writing on Byline.

Armed with just his laptop he claims he has been able to trace the very first use of barrel bombs by the Assad regime : 22nd August 2012.

So why is this significant?

Well, it wasn't 2000, when President Bashar al-Assad came to power.

It wasn't 2001. Nor 2002. Nor 2003. Nor any of the years before 2012.

It was, according to Higgins, the 22nd August 2012.

So, if Assad was such a cruel warmonger, why did he wait so long?

The fact is this: barrel bombs are being used against international cutthroat Jihadis who were unleashed onto Syria by NATO/Zionist/Gulf states.

But you won't hear that from Higgins as he glugs a glass of chilled Pinot Grigio paid for by NATO at one the get-togethers with the likes warmonger Carl Bildt.

The true history of the use of the barrel bomb in Syria is that as early as 1991 the Zionists were proposing war on Syria, Iraq and Iran. Paul Wolfowitz suggested this to General Wesley Clark in a conversation with Clark in which Wolfowitz said to Clark that the USA "had 5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes: Iraq, Iran, Syria".

Then in 1996 Zionists wrote A Clean Break for Netanyahu proposing war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

Then in 2000 Zionists wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses, proposing that America assert its hegemony across the globe, but naming Iran as the biggest threat to American national security, and also suggesting that "a new Pearl Harbour" was needed to convince the American public to support the wars.

Then in 2001 Osama bin Laden apparently did the Zionists a massive, massive favour and gave them their Pearl Harbour on 11th September 2001. Bin Laden denied responsibility and blamed elements within the American government. Colin Powell said he'd produce a dossier on bin Laden's guilt, but he never did.

Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war and regime in seven countries in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

We invaded Iraq in 2003 under the pretext that Iraq had done 9/11 and had WMDs, both claims were lies.

Israel started a war on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006.

So by 2007 this original plan was moribund

So in 2007 the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon.

But to receive support they would need cover as 'freedom fighters' so the US State Dept engineered The Arab Spring.

And the jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya, where they recieved ground support from British Special Forces and air support from NATO.

After killing Gaddafi the jihadis were smuggled into Syria. But because they did not receive the air support that they had in Libya the jihadis could not oust Assad.

So in July 2013 Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia threatened Putin that if Putin didn't dump Assad then Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria. Putin declined, so on 21st August 2013 Bandar unleashed hell on earth in Syria.

But that false flag failed to provoke the war on Syria that the jihadis and their sponsors desperately wanted.

So a US DIA proposal from 2102 for a Salafist entity in Syria to isolate Assad has been implemented. That Salafist entity we know as Islamic State.

This is why Assad is using barrel bombs. Syria is being invaded by an evil plague of international cutthroat Jihadis being used a proxy force by the most barbaric state on God's green earth: The Diabolical Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It is sad that civilians, children are being killed by these bombs.

But note: self-appointed weapons experts Higgins says these barrel boombs were not being used until 22nd August 2012, well over a year after the Saudi-sponsored international cutthroat Jihadis had been unleashed onto Syria by NATO/Zionist/Gulf states.

It's funny how internet supersleuth Higgins, or for that matter anyone of the Belling Cat team, or their disciples, or indeed his mates at The Atlantic Council, hasn't been able to find a video of Clark revealing the plan for war and regime in seven countries in five years, EVEN THOUGH GENERAL WESLEY CLARK IS A DIRECTOR OF THE ATLANTIC COUNCIL!!

So to help Higgins, Belling Cat, their disciples and The Atlantic Council out, here is Clark revealing the plan for war on Syria, planned even before 9/11, and even though Syria had fuck all to do with 9/11:

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