
Thursday, September 03, 2015


If reports are to believed, and I do, most of the refugees currently entering or in east and central Europe are from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

If those nations sound all too familiar then it is because, since 9/11, we have attacked those nations, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11.

So the current refugee crisis is the result of our handiwork:
1. elements in Israeli, American, Saudi and British intelligence organised and then ran 9/11;
2. after 9/11 these nations, and others, attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and in 2006 Israel also attacked Lebanon;
3. they have not directly attacked Syria but, as foretold by Seymour Hersh in March 2007, they unleashed the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria to take out Assad as they had done with Gaddafi, but that failed so they tried a false flag on 21st August 2013 to provoke a war on Syria, but that failed so they facilitated the rise Islamic State, and are now openly interfering in Syria and implementing 'safe zones' for FSA-types.

It seems that wherever we go, Islamic extremists go also. They fill the power vacuum, create terror and dread and destruction, provoking many to flee to Europe for safety, and then thanks to the likes of Rupert Murdoch political parties like UKIP can then point the finger at the refugees rather than at the banks for all our economic woes.

The answer to all this lies in Jeremy Corbyn.

As Leader of the Opposition he can actually challenge pigeon-murderer Cameron, get him sweating.

And as Prime Minister he would actually stop the wars and persecution of the Occupied Territories, implement true Glass-Steagall policies to stop the banks doing it again, save billions from scrapping Trident to be spent on education and health, he would create debt free money for infrastructure development, and also reduce the power of the monarchy.

Now, what is not to like about that?

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