
Thursday, October 22, 2015


When the establishment newspapers The Guardian and The Washington Post slap the same story on their front pages for weeks then you know for a fact that the establishment wants you to know something.

In 2013 that something was The Snowden Revelations.

During the British summer of 2013 the revelations of Ed Snowden, that we were all being spied on, were front page news for The Guardian and The Washington Post for weeks. But if such newspapers were so concerned about reporting the 'truth' then why haven't they slapped the Clark Revelations on their front pages for weeks? The Clark Revelations are that the wars in North Africa and the Middle East since 9/11 were all planned years before 9/11, some as early as 1991.

By ignoring The Clark Revelations but not The Snowden Revelations the establishment wanted us to know that we were being spied on. And as one of the reporters Glenn Greenwald has stated; surveillance breeds conformity. In other words, if you know that you are being spied on then you will adjust your behaviour to conform to the desires of the spies.

But at the same time, or shortly after, as these revelations were made, we were kindly informed by the spies that cutthroat Jihadis in Syria were on their merry way to slit our throats, and that Snowden had revealed their spying methods and thus endangered national security. But what the spies forgot to tell us is that they have had a Covenant of Security with the Jihadis for decades which allowed the Jihadis to safely operate out of London as long as their terrorism coincided with British foreign policy. And not only that, they also allowed preachers such as Micheal Adebalajo to preach Jihad against President Bashar al Assad of Syria, because it is current British foreign policy to oust Assad through the use of a proxy force of international cutthroat Jihadis. The former French foreign minister stated that in 2009 the British told him that they were planning something for Syria and asked him to organise the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria.

So we got both barrels: we were told that we were all being spied on but Snowden had compromised those spying methods; and that British Jihadis were returning from Syria to slit our throats.

And the solution to all this?

To keep us safe the spies need yet more surveillance powers.

They want to hack into everything, because...well, because they want to.

The spies run the terrorists, the terrorist scare the shit of us, we demand protection from the terrorists, and give the spies more powers.

It is so, so simples.

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