
Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Just as MH17 was falling out of the sky, the spokesman for the Ukraine National Security Council, Andrei Lysenko, told a press conference that Ukraine had video of the separatists in control of BUK missile systems.

So the question of the day is : why did Ukraine not shut down the airspace over East Ukraine?

Major airlines such as British Airways had been avoiding and flew around the war zone of East Ukraine because they considered it too dangerous.

A BUK missile can easily reach altitudes of 33000 feet.

In my opinion Ukraine:
1. wanted and/or needed the transit fees;
2. allowed civilian passenger traffic hoping that an MH17-type disaster might occur, perhaps using their military jets as bait, to blame on Russia;
3. both of the above.

It is very, very intriguing that the plane that was shot down originated in The Netheralnds, when The Netherlands is at the very heart of NATO, and NATO and Ukraine want Ukraine to become a member of NATO. Indeed, this was agreed at the NATO summit in April 2008.

At the time of the MH17 disaster the government of Ukraine was run by a NATO/NED-sponsored stooge, Arseny Yatsenyuk, who was handpicked by Victoria Kagan-Nuland to become the new PM. He in turn had handpicked the violent neo-Nazis (or they picked themselves), who had killed policemen and set Kiev ablaze, to occupy the powerful positions in his cabinet. As a result in July 2014 bona-fide neo-Nazis were laying siege to East Ukraine, which had rebelled against their Nazism.

Without the NATO coup in February 2014 it is highly likely that MH17, or any other passenger plane, would have been shot down, for there would not have been a civil war (if that is what it is) in Ukraine.

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