
Tuesday, October 06, 2015


According to Libertarians, President Andrew Jackson was a dreamy dream of a hero. Jackson fought the British at New Orleans and won a decisive battle for the United States. Jackson then destroyed the Second Bank of the United States because it was a privately owned central bank which could not be trusted because of the amount of foreign investors in the bank.

All this, Libertarians claim, makes Jackson a hero.

Libertarians got all this from two authors, Eustace Mullins and G Edward Griffin, both considered untouchable sacred cows in Conspiracyland.

But who was Jackson, really?

Well what I am about to tell you will make your toes curl at the naivete and laziness of Libertarians for falling for what I believe is a British intelligence propaganda operation.

First I will tell you straight up what Jackson was: a slaveholding, racist, treasonous scumbag.

You want proof?

Well, here goes.

Jackson was a planter and slaveholder

Jackson's plantation, The Hermitage, was 1000 acres, and when he died he owned 150 slaves, having started out with just 9. Though considered one of the more reasonable slaveholders, Jackson would have his slaves beaten for running away or impudence.

Negro Fort

Fugitive slaves from the Southern states found sanctuary in what was called Negro Fort, an old fort from the War of 1812 built on the banks of the Apalachicola River. These fugitive slaves and the Seminoles formed a colony from persecution and return to slavery. But then along comes Andrew Jackson, who ran a campaign against the fort to return fugitive slaves back to their 'rightful owners'. Jackson offered $50 for each returned slave. During an attack on the fort a loose cannonball hit the fort's arsenal and killed 300 occupants of the fort.

Burr and Treason

Jackson was involved in treason against the United States. After assassinating Alexander Hamilton, who Libertarians hate, Aaron Burr found sanctuary at Jackson's plantation. There they and others conspired to grab Louisiana for the British. Burr was tried for this attempt at treason, but got off because one of the jury leaders was one of Burr's pals. Burr then fled to Great Britain and stayed with head of British Intelligence Jeremy Bentham. Upon his return to the United States, Burr hooked up with another British operative, Martin van Buren, and they began to use Jackson's role at New Orleans in a campaign to make him President.

The aim of the British was to destroy the Second Bank of the United State because it had helped the USA to grow and become a threat to Great Britain.

Presidency and The Second Bank of the United States

One of the favourite claims that Libertarians make to praise Jackson, to raise his stature, is that Jackson paid off the debt to create a surplus. Yes, Jackson did pay off the debt, but only the last few dollars. All the hard work had been done by Nicholas Biddle, who Jackson battled and tried to oust.

During his second term as President, Jackson tried to destroy the Second Bank of The United States by withdrawing the Federal deposits.

Jackson's first choice as Secretary to the Treasury, Samuel Ingham, would not withdraw the Federal funds in the bank. So Jackson fired him.

Jackson then appointed Louis McLane as Secretary to the Treasury. McLane would also not withdraw the Federal funds in the bank. So Jackson fired him too.

Jackson's third choice was Roger B Taney. Taney was the lowest of the low, a fellow slaveholder of Jackson. Taney withdrew the Federal funds, as Jackson requested. But where did these funds go? Taney deposited those funds in the banks that his friends owned or managed!! And what did they do with all that loot? They used that burst of fresh cash as a base to create more and more cash, using fractional reserve banking, for a speculation bubble. This along with Jackson's sale of government land (though how the government obtained it in the first place is up for debate) created a parallel speculation bubble. Both of these bubbles inevitably burst causing the Panic of 1837.

In return for withdrawing Federal funds, Jackson appointed Taney as the Chief Justice of The United States, a position Taney held for 28 years. Taney argued against Dred Scott and wrote the dreadful decision.

The Trail of Tears

During a battle against the Red Sticks a Cherokee named Junaluska saved Jackson from an attacker, prompting Jackson to declare, “As long as the sun shines and the grass grows, there shall be friendship between us.” But Jackson shortly after confiscated 23 million acres of land in Alabama and Georgia, some of which belonged to the Cherokees, and a few years later Jackson banished the Cherokees from their lands to give it to Georgia and Alabama prospectors, settlers and slaveholders. This was the Trail of Tears, a consequence of Jackson's Indian Removal Act of 1830 in which Jackson forced several tribes of American Indians to a shitty reservation hundreds of miles away. Along the way thousands died. And all for what? The Libertarian's and white man's precious element: GOLD!!!

Jackson and the Rothschilds

Another amazing, jaw-dropping claim that Libertarians make is that Jackson was anti-banker. But what did Jackson do? He appointed the Rothschilds as agents for the United States in Europe!!! This was a dream appointment for the Rothschilds and catapulted them into the big league, i.e. Jackson helped to make the Rothschilds what they are!!

So I ask again : is there anyone out there who still worships President Andrew Jackson?

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