
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I believe it is much more than just a coincidence that Belgium, the HQ of NATO, has also become the HQ of European Jihadis at precisely the same time that NATO is using Jihadis to oust and/or kill several leaders of foreign nations. NATO had previously run Operation Gladio in which white right wing extremists bombed civilians but their right wing counterparts in law enforcement accused Communists, leading to the a lurch to the right in politics and calls for more state protection.

And that this HQ of European Jihadis is actually in the same city, Brussels, as the HQ of NATO should have raised great concern inside NATO HQ, shouldn't it?

So what have NATO said to Belgium about areas like Moolenbeek, and what has Belgium done in response?

Apparently nothing.

I ask this because it appears that the alleged mastermind of the Paris terror was Belgian, and was able to escape to Syria following a shootout with Belgian police in which two others died, and then openly travel between Syria and Belgium to plan terror attacks in Europe from Brussels.

This is a most astonishing and remarkable state of affairs, and one that the NATO-controlled media is unsurprisingly not addressing.

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