
Saturday, November 21, 2015


Israel is the driving force behind 9/11 and the wars since.

Israel-firsters created PNAC, after first producing A Clean Break which called for 'engagement', i.e. war, on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, and note NOT on Saudi Arabia or Jordan or Turkey who Israel has teamed up with to destroy Syria.

PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses named Iraq and Iran as the greatest threats to US national security, and also called for a 'new Pearl Harbor' to provoke calls from the American public to support all the PNAC wars.

On 9/11 founding and senior members were in control of the mighty US military as alleged hijackers flew hijacked planes into the WTC and...get this...the freakin' Pentagon!!

Oh what joy and raptures the PNAC members must have felt on 9/11!!

The allies invaded Afghanistan to allegedly hunt down an already dead bin Laden, but it was really about opium.

But after that, as General Wesley Clark was told, it was to kick off war and regime change in seven countries in five years. The first four you know already from A Clean Break: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon. The other three were Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

The series of wars we have seen since 9/11 is:
Iraq (2003)
Lebanon (2006, and by Israel alone)
Libya (2011)
Syria (2011 - )

Israel is thus perhaps the most dangerous nation in the world, and with an unstable devil like Netanyahu in control the world can expect a lot more terror and war.

Israel must be disarmed ASAP, disarmed of not just its nuclear arsenal but also its chemical and biological arsenal too.

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