
Monday, November 16, 2015


So far the list of suspects in the Paris Terror of Friday 13th November 2015 are either Belgian or French nationals operating out of Brussels, with the Syrian passport at last linked by fingerprints to one of the suicide bombers.

But in addition, the alleged mastermind of the plot, who is in Syria, is also a Belgian national.

The plotters are as follows:

Mastermind - Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian running a Brussels-based cell.

Stade de France:
1. Bilal Hadfi - from Brussels, fought for Islamic State in Syria;
2. "Ahmad Almohammad" - fingerprints have allegedly been matched to the passport that was registered in Greece in October;

1. Omar Ismaïl Mostefai - French, and known as a possible Islamic extremist but nothing definite;
2. Samy Amimour - French, also known as a possible Islamic extremist having been charged with terrorism offences in 2012;

Boulevard Voltaire:
Brahim Abdeslam - French national but living in Brussels.

Still on the run:
Salah Abdeslam - Belgian brother of the aforementioned Brahim.

So that's only 5 confirmed dead terrorists, only one of whom is an immigrant, the rest are French and Belgian and were operating out of Brussels...THE HQ OF NATO!!!!

How could this all happen?

It's dead easy when you understand that NATO ran Operation Gladio, a terrorist operation to drag Europe to the right by using right wing extremists to bomb train stations and have the police blame left wing terrorists. It's all on record.

But today requires that we all hate Muslim immigrants so we bomb Syria, because Syria has been a target of NATO/Zionist/Gulf state aggression since possibly 1991 but definitely since 2001 when General Wesley Clark was told that the following seven nations were going to experience war and regime change in the next five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Iraq (2003)
Lebanon (2006)
Libya (2011)
Syria (2011 - to date)

This plan has been stalled in Syria for over 4 years, and several different approaches have been used:
1. unleash proxy cutthroat Jihadis to oust Assad under the CIA-sponsored Arab Spring;
2. pull a chemical false flag to provoke an overt war on Syria;
3. facilitate the rise of a Salafist entity (such as Islamic State) to isolate Assad and give the excuse to bomb and openly interfere in Syria.

The NATO/Zionist/Gulf states have been pretending to bomb Islamic State, and have been caught actually supplying them through air drops and aid convoys through Turkey.

But because Russia has intervened with devastating success, something had to happen to drag the French into supporting big-time bombing of Syria, having financed the Jihadis in Syria for years.

That something occured last Friday.

It is no 'coincidence' that a number of the suspects were known as potential Jihadis and had gone to Syria, but the fact is that Brussels, the HQ of NATO, was their base of operations, when Brussels is known as centre for Jihadis and has been the source of Islamic terror in Europe for the last few years, and NATO ran Operation Gladio, bombing civilians and blaming it on Communists.

If NATO wants to bomb somewhere it should bomb its own HQ in Brussels!

How can these Jihadis do this right under the noses of NATO, just a few miles from the HQ of NATO, when that estate Moolenbeek is known as a centre of Jihad?

Come on!!

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