
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


In June 2013 there appeared on the front pages of The Guardian and The Washington Post, and repeated and repeated and repeated again and again and again by every other media outlet, allegations that we were all being spied on. Theses allegations were made by one Ed Snowden. To most of the world these allegations were a shock. But to some they were boring, and in some aroused some suspicions.

For some have known for decades about Echelon, and some, like myself, had even experienced the full spying capacity of the deep state to interfere with our lives.

So why would such establishment warmongering newspapers as The Guardian and The Washington Post publish Snowden's allegations on their front pages for weeks, claims that were then repeated (and thus reinforced) in every other media?

Well, the same question could be asked about Spectre.

Why would the James Bond franchise produce a film about surveillance?

In my opinion it is about conditioning.

Remember the early Bond movies? In You Only Live Twice the Chinese were the bad guys. In From Russia With Love the Russians were the bad guys. SMERSH was Soviet. In other Bond films it didn't matter who the 'enemy' was, it was always British Intelligence who saved the day. Hoorah!

A very brief synopsis of the plot is that Spectre has infiltrated governments around the world and is plotting to bring the surveillance capacities of a number of states together to form one giant surveillance grid which will be used to benefit Spectre.

This has already been going on for decades, so there is nothing new in that.

No. The novelty in the film of Spectre is that the head of MI6 apparently does not want this vast power!!

Can you believe that?

No. Me neither.

In fact, in real life, the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ recently sat before a besotted coven of MPs and begged that, because of the Snowden Revelations, they needed more surveillance powers. And they are being granted them. But how did we get to learn of the Snowden Revelations in the first place? Yep. Through the front pages of the NATO/establishment/warmongering newspapers The Guardian and The Washington Post.

Some will point to the film Spectre that it highlights state-sponsored terrorism. This is due to the subplot in the film that South Africa is just one of nine states who vote against forming this giant surveillance grid. Shortly thereafter there is a brief shot of a report on BBC of a possible terrorist explosion in South Africa, and shortly after that we are informed that South Africa has decided to join the surveillance grid. This is all well and good, but in total this aspect of the film takes up 1 minute from 150 minutes, and is broken up. More time is spent on Daniel Craig seducing Monica Bellucci!

So who has made the film, Spectre?

Spectre has been produced by Eon Productions. Eon Productions is owned by Barbara Broccoli (daughter of Cubby) and Michael G Wilson, who were both made OBE in 2008.

So Spectre just reinforces the perception that British Intelligence is looking out for us, and that they don't want all this new fangled technology to spy on us, happy to rely on good old fashioned spying.

After all, that's why they sat before MPs and begged for more intrusive surveillance powers (which they are getting), citing the Snowden Revelations (which they told us through their newspapers the Guardian and The Washington Post) and the threat of British Jihadis returning from Syria (a movement which they created to illegally oust Assad).

The film ends with James Bond and his new love driving off down Whitehall in an old Aston Martin DB5 with the Union Flag flying high.

Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

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