
Thursday, December 03, 2015


Yesterday Infowars reported that:
A newly uncovered 99-page manifesto produced by the Islamic State brags about how the terror organization has exploited the refugee program to send jihadist sleeper cells to Europe since 2012, with the goal of creating Muslim “no go zones” in western cities that can be used as a base from which to launch further Paris-style attacks.

The manifesto, entitled Black Flags from Rome, serves as a shocking reminder of the danger posed by allowing potentially millions of Muslim migrants to enter Europe and America via the “refugee” red carpet.

At least three individuals who posed as “refugees” have now been connected to the Paris attacks, including the mastermind behind the plot, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who brazenly revealed how he exploited the migrant red carpet to plot bloodshed.

[source : ISIS Brags About Exploiting Refugee Program to Send “Sleeper Cells” to Europe, Infowars,, 2nd December 2015]

Today that same report is referenced on World Net Daily, one of the most Zionist media outlets on the internet.

(INFOWARS) — A newly uncovered 99-page manifesto produced by the Islamic State brags about how the terror organization has exploited the refugee program to send jihadist sleeper cells to Europe since 2012, with the goal of creating Muslim “no go zones” in western cities that can be used as a base from which to launch further Paris-style attacks.

The manifesto, entitled Black Flags from Rome, serves as a shocking reminder of the danger posed by allowing potentially millions of Muslim migrants to enter Europe and America via the “refugee” red carpet.

At least three individuals who posed as “refugees” have now been connected to the Paris attacks, including the mastermind behind the plot, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who brazenly revealed how he exploited the migrant red carpet to plot bloodshed.

[source : ISIS: We're sending sleeper cells with 'refugees', WND,, 2nd December 2015]

But what did World Net Daily report on 26th February this year?

Yep. A book called Black Flags from Rome!

And yes, the two books are the same book.
(GATEWAY PUNDIT) The Islamist terrorist group ISIS is instructing Muslim sympathizers in Europe (and presumably the United States) to seek out leftist activists to form an “armed combat” alliance.

The armed alliance against European governments will further ISIS’s goal to conquer Rome by 2020.

The call to recruit leftists is in an eBook entitled Black Flags from Rome. The eBook is the subject of a two part report by Bridget Johnson at PJ Media. (Excellent reporting in both part one and part two.)

[source : ISIS calls for terror alliance with radical left, WND,, 26th February 2015]

NATO must have known all about this (if the books are indeed by Islamic State, about which I have doubts).

1. Black Flags from Rome is not "newly uncovered" but was published in February this year;
2. Israel and NATO must have known about this (it was also covered on Fox News!);
3. yet somehow Paris was attacked from a base of operations just a few miles from NATO HQ;
4. NATO ran Operation Gladio which terroried civilians;
5. the PAris attacks were cited by many MPs yesterday, that we must stand by our closest allies in their hour of need, and indeed Hilary Benn cited 'internationalism', and now the UK is bombing Syria.

Why would PJW describe Black Flags from Rome as "newly uncovered"?

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