
Tuesday, December 22, 2015


"Keep fear alive", said the former FBI assistant director Thomas Fuentes.

And keeping fear alive is what Trump and PJW and all the rest are doing.

They know that nearly every alleged terror plot in the USA has been a sting operation by the FBI.

And when the big one comes along, 11th September 2001, it was the Zionists all along!!

So is it:
1. Islamic terror?
2. FBI entrapment?
3. Zionist false flag?

And of the latest attacks:
1. in San Bernardino multiple witnesses state three tall white men were involved;
2. in Paris, multiple witnesses again state that white men did some shooting, but the operation was known about by Israel, and the ringleader, a known Jihadi, openly bragged in magazines that he could travel between Syria and Europe despite Daesh having allegedly published their plan to use refugees as cover in the alleged manifesto called Black Flags from Rome which was covered byFox News among others and thus assumed to be known by NATO, whose HQ was just a few miles from the plotters base in Molenbeek, a Jihadi hotspot, and who have already run a false flag terror campaign called Operation Gladio. And the timing of this attack could not have come at a better time, for it swung both the French and British elected bodies behind war on Syria.

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