
Friday, December 25, 2015


The following can be found on the Wikipedia page for Cecil Rhodes:
While attending Oriel College, Rhodes became a Freemason in the Apollo University Lodge. Although initially he did not approve of the organisation, he continued to be a Freemason until his death in 1902. The shortcomings of the Freemasons, in his opinion, later caused him to envisage his own secret society with the goal of bringing the entire world under British rule.

[source : Cecil Rhodes,]

Rhodes attended Oxford for a grand total of just 3 months. So why would Oxford University have a plaque and a statue in his honour? MONEY!!

Rhodes then left to go to South Africa, financed by the Rothschilds, gained (as opposed to worked for) an absolute fortune off the backs of South Africans mining diamonds and gold, leaving the subsequent fortune to his sponsor Lord Rothschild, who entrusted that fortune to Lord Alfred Milner, who formed The Kindergarten which pushed British Imperialism to such dangerous levels that they engineered WW1 and WW2.

This is why I, and why you should, support the Rhodes Must Fall campaign. Rhodes' fortune led to WW1 and WW2.

And if you were not aware of this then stop shagging around, brewing lethal, toxic, addictive potions to hypnotise the masses, and start looking after your own instead of expecting others to do it for you while you have a jolly good life, ma'am (as in barm, not mam as in ham).

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