
Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I was stunned to read of the survey which revealed that Brits are proud of their brutal heritage (that they are unaware of). The Independent reported the results of that survey here.

The Independent then came up with five of the worst atrocities carried out by the British Empire (see here).

But the greatest crimes of the British Empah were WW1 and WW2!!

Grand Master of the UGLE, King Edward VII, engineered the alliances that formed during WW1. Following the assassination Arch Duke Ferdinand, King George told Kaiser Wilhelm that he hoped Great Britain would remain neutral, which implied to Kaiser Wilhelm that George and Great Britain would keep out of any war, thus leading to Germany (and other nations) mobilising. But when Germany invaded Belgium, King George ordered British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into the war!

So why did Great Britain engineer WW1? The USA, Germany and Russia were adopting The American System of Economics and overtaking Great Britain and its imperialism and slavery as the dominant economic systems, and they were also building land-based railway networks to transport goods beyond the reach and control of the powerful British navy. So Great Britain got them all to fight each other to cause so much bloody carnage and destruction that nations would sacrifice their national sovereignty to a world government to stop such wars occuring again, but also a world government which Great Britain would control. That first attempt at world government was The League of Nations.

But the USA did not join the league, despite Sir Edward Grey advising Woodrow Wilson, because the USA had not suffered that many casualties during WW1, having joined the war in 1917.

So Anglophile Wall Street began to finance both Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. With these two extreme but opposing ideologies in such close geographical proximity a second world war was very likely. And to drag the USA into the war early on, Winston Churchill withheld information from FDR on the location and target of the Japanese fleet steaming towards Pearl Harbour.

After 6 years of world war, the USA fighting for nearly 4 years, we now have a world government: The United Nations.

The UN is based in the USA.

The UN is pushing all this climate change stuff to control economies, and is supported by a network of the IMF and continental/regional governments.

And who is at the front of the pack demanding that we all reduce our carbon footprint and take one shower a year while he flies to Saudi Arabia to prance around with a sword with the Saudi headchoppers?

Yaarrp. Prince Charles.


WW1 and WW2 are the two greatest crimes of the British Empah.

But the worst is yet to come...

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